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SASS Committees are small groups of Arts & Science students who work with one or more Executive members to help ensure that SASS events and initiatives are properly executed. They are a great opportunity for students to get involved with SASS without having to commit to an Executive role, and an excellent way for you to meet other Artscis.

Functions Committee

To get involved, contact:


Anna Buhrmann

VP Functions

The Functions Committee meets on an ad hoc basis and spends much of their time baking cookies together for our many Milk & Cookies. However, they also spend some time working with the VP Functions on other tasks, such as organizing TriSci events and working on major SASS Executive projects.


If you are interested in bouncing around ideas for SASS or baking cookies, please join up!

Social Committee

To get involved, contact:


Momina Abbas

VP Social

The Social Committee meets regularly to help plan, run, and review events throughout the year, such as our annual Halloween Party. Our goal is to get different members from different social groups in Artsci to help with the events, so that everyone feels that "it's their friends' party"; this is to make it so that people who would not normally attend events feel welcome.


If you enjoy party planning or want to experience in event organizing, we would love to have you help out!

Formal Committee

To get involved, contact:


Kajaani Shanmugarajah

Formal Convenor

This committee organizes Semi-Formal at the end of first semester, and Formal at the end of second semester. Members will assist the Formal Convenor throughout the entire process, from detailed planning of the two events to ensuring things run smoothly on the day of.


If you have strong opinions about centerpieces, love looking fancy, or if you just really like lighting candles, join the Formal Committee and help plan our two biggest events of the year!

Community Committee

To get involved, contact:


Kiana Klassen

Community Chair

The Community Committee, or Communittee, is a community in and of itself that endeavours to build and strengthen Artscis' connections to their surrounding community.


The Committee assists in planning Communittee events, such as Progressive Dinner, but it is also just a chill place to hang out, as the Committee regularly goes on fun hikes in Dundas, trips to the Art Gallery, and various volunteering events.

Website Committee

To get involved, contact:


Anna Lindsay-Mosher

Senior Website Admin.

The Website Committee maintains the website that you are currently reading! We are looking for people from a variety of backgrounds, including those with technical skills (such as HTML or database guerying) as well as non-technical skills (such as people with good taste or strong opinions when it comes to fonts, colours, and layouts).


This committee is great for anybody who wants to gain practical experience in website design/development, as well as anybody who just wants to help out and work on something fun with other Artscis.

Arts & Science Musical Executive

To get involved, contact:


Grant Sweeny

Senior Musical Producer

This committee is responsible for organizing the annual ArtSci Musical and is application-restricted. However, there are also opportunities to serve in the cast, band, or crew, for students who want to be involved with the Musical but not as an Executive member.


For more information, see the ArtSci Musical page.

Program Advisory Committee

To get involved, contact:


Sydney Potts

Senior Program Advisor


Corbin McBride

Junior Program Advisor

The Program Advisory Committee assists our Senior and Junior Program Advisors in carrying out their duties! This includes meeting with students to gather views and feedback on academic issues, such as courses, professors, teaching assistants, interdisciplinarity, or program vision. They also discuss these issues with the Arts & Science Program Director and MSU Academic Affairs Council.


If you enjoy discussions about academic issues and meeting with people to talk about important things, sign up for this committee!

Yearbook Committee

To get involved, contact:


Caroline Bredin

Yearbook Editor

Our yearbook, the Abstract, is a compilation of fun photos, witty professor quotes, and all the SASS-y memories of the year. The committee comes up with an epic theme and strives to capture all the memorable moments in Artsci. Get involved by making pages in Adobe InDesign, or for those less technically inclined, take snazzy photos, join our editing team, or just collect hilarious prof quotes! Make your mark on SASS history!


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