The Society of Arts & Science Students — better known as SASS — is made up of all students currently enrolled in the Arts & Science Program at McMaster University.
The SASS Executive runs numerous socials throughout the year for SASS, ranging from the casual Milk n’ Cookies to bigger blowouts like Progressive Dinner, Kaffeehaus, and Formal. We've also got plenty of wholesome programming and academic support, including the famous 'Big Sib' mentoring program.
The SASS Executive are elected or appointed from within SASS every year, and these individuals do everything from planning events to liaising with other student groups. To find out more about us and what we do, take a look at the Executive page and feel free to get in touch with us anytime. Also, be sure to check out the different SASS committees for ways to get involved in SASS.
The calendar on this site will keep you posted on all the upcoming SASS events.
ArtSci til’ we die,
Your SASS Exec