President — Leah McMillan
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1985
The President is responsible for the overall success of the SASS Executive. They oversee Executive meetings and assist with the operations of all committees. They also support other officers on the Executive, spearhead major priorities, and sit on the MSU Presidents Council.

Vice-President Functions — Athena Warren & Oyin Aderibigbe
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 2000
SASSex's second-in-command organizes the Big Sib program and a variety of smaller activities, such as Milk & Cookies and TriSci. They're also heavily involved in supporting the President on major priorities and ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

Vice-President Social — Madelyn Healy & Sofia Quon
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 2000
Each year, the VP Social organizes our annual Halloween Party, one Kaffeehaus each term, Secret Santa, Pizza Plunge, and any new events that the SASS Executive can think of. They are also responsible for ordering the pizza at SASS General Meetings.

Master of Coin — Ahastan Surees
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1985
The Treasurer writes the SASS budget each year, and then keeps the Executive on track by writing cheques, depositing money at the bank, and keeping detailed records of our financial transactions. They also liaise with the MSU VP Finance, McMaster Financial Services, and CIBC.

Communications Director — Arthy Pansanathan
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 2020
The Communications Director is in charge of documenting what happens in SASS. This includes taking detailed notes at all Executive and General Meetings, as well as maintaining all of our social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube.

Communittee Chair — Graeme Lavrence & Kiran Oberai
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 2001
The Community Chair works with the Community Committee on charitable initiatives, such as our annual Progressive Dinner event, as well as other events, such as fun hikes in Dundas, trips into the community, volunteering initiatives, and more.

Formal Convenor — Jack Mah & Julia Monteith
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1985
The Formal Convenor plans and organizes the two biggest social events of the year: Semi-Formal and Formal. These events are held in November and March, and give people in all years a well-deserved chance to get dressed-up (in theme, or otherwise), get together, and have fun.

Junior Program Advisor — Sarah Shawaf
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1983
The Junior Student Advisor is a student in Level II who provides student input on issues pertaining to the Arts & Science Program by attending faculty meetings and relaying information to the SASS Executive and student body. They provide a bridge between Arts & Science students, faculty, and administration.

Senior Program Advisor — Sam Potts
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1983
The Senior Program Advisor is a student in Level III or IV who provides student input on issues pertaining to the Arts & Science Program by attending faculty meetings and relaying information to the SASS Executive and student body. They provide a bridge between Arts & Science students, faculty, and administration.

SRA Rrepresentative — Rushan Jeyakumar
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1985
The Student Representative Assembly (SRA) is the governing body of the McMaster Students Union (MSU), which is the student union representing all undergraduate students at McMaster. Arts & Science students have been allotted one out of 35 seats in the SRA.

SRA Observer — Emily Yang
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1985
The SRA Observer provides Arts & Science students with an extra voice, but not an extra vote, on the SRA; they also make the job easier for our lone SRA Representative. The SRA Observer does, however, have full voting privileges on the SASS Executive.

Athletics and Recreation Officers — Jonah Hall & Avery Blundell
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 2020

Level I Representative — Aaron Mohanathas & Siya Lakra
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1985
The Level I Representatives, who are elected in the fall, organize level events for first years, communicate concerns to the SASS Executive, and deliver information to students. They also traditionally host the fall Kaffeehaus.

Level II Representative — Elena Mijailovic & Rameesha Ahmad
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1985
The Level II Representatives organize level events for second years, communicate concerns to the SASS Executive, and deliver information to students.

Level III Representative — Ishmeet Johal & Sarah Greene
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1985
The Level III Representatives organize level events for third years, communicate concerns to the SASS Executive, and deliver information to students.

Level IV Representative — Lauren Misiaszek & Joshua Watson
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 1985
The Level IV Representatives organize level events for fourth years, communicate concerns to the SASS Executive, and deliver information to students. They are also responsible for Sasswear and organizing the Legacy Gift of the graduating class

Level V Representative — Vacant
elected officer with voting rights; position created in 2020
The Level V Representatives organize level events for fifth years, communicate concerns to the SASS Executive, and deliver information to students.

Welcome Week Planners — Lauryn Flannagan, Abeer Faro & Athena Warren
appointed officer without voting rights

Musical Producers — Evan Tyler & Maya Kim
appointed officer without voting rights;

Web Administrator — Vacant
appointed officer without voting rights; currently taken over by the President and the Communications Director