The Student Representative Assembly (SRA) is a group of elected students representing each faculty at McMaster, and they compose the governing body of the McMaster Students Union (MSU). For more information on the SRA, visit the MSU website.
The Arts & Science SRA Representative represents the entire Arts & Science student body. This person attends the biweekly SRA meetings, advocates for ArtScis by relaying SRA meeting information to SASSex meetings and votes on MSU motions according to the interests of ArtSci students.
The Arts & Science SRA Observer is not a voting member of the SRA, but they are a voting member on SASSex. They collaborate with the SRA Representative on projects and initiatives to benefit the student body.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, your SRA Representative is Rushan Jeyakumar, and your SRA Observer is Emily Yang. They can be reached at
If you ever have any questions or concerns send us a message!

SRA Reports
Every caucus must submit reports which outline their progress, for this year all new reports will be added to this page for everyone's reference (NOTE: reports will not be every month, they depend on the SRA meeting schedule)! They can be viewed on the MSU website, but each month will also be attached below:

Year Plan
The year plan is a document which outlines everything a member of the SRA wishes to accomplish in a year. They can be viewed on the MSU website, but you can also click here to view Rushan's.
Meeting Dates
SRA meetings are open to everyone! They are held biweekly and are scheduled on Sundays at
5:00 pm! The agenda is always posted in advance on the MSU website, so you can see if anything important to you is going to be discussed. There you can also find past meeting minutes and other supporting documents.
Watch the SRA meetings live on the SRA Facebook page!
SASSwatch Podcast
As an effort to increase transparency, the 2019-2020 SRA Observer spearheaded a new initiative of monthly updates in the form of podcasts! Leave us a follow <3
Here's the September 2019 episode with the transcript below.
Here's the January 2020 episode with the transcript below.
Here's the October 2019 episode with the transcript below.
Here's the special 2020 Presidential Election episode.
Here's the November 2019 episode with the transcript below.
Here's the November 2020 episode with the transcript below.