Ask your SASS SRA Observer candidates questions about their platforms here! Voting for your SASS SRA Observer will take place March 16-20! The SRA Observer provides Arts & Science students with an extra voice, but not an extra vote, on the SRA; they also make the job easier for our lone SRA Representative. The SRA Observer does, however, have full voting privileges on the SASS Executive.
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Questions for Sharang:
-when you say you would enable clear communication between the SRA and Artsci students, how would you accomplish this?
Questions for Elise:
-when you say you would work to provide free menstrual products in bathrooms across campus, how would this relate to services which already provide free menstrual products like SHEC and WGEN?
Some Questions for Vikita:
-when you say you would make alterations to the club ratification process and MSU website, how do you plan on accomplishing this?
-what changes would you make to the study room booking service, and would that serve for humanities students as well?
-when you say you would make policy amendments, what policies are you referring to? would this possibly include creating equity policies for SASS / Artsci?
Hello potential SRA Observers! I found this role required constant engagement at long, sometimes tedious SRA meetings. How would you personally keep up excitement/engagement week by week?