Welcome to the SASS Forum
Fall 2022 SASSEx Elections
Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations.
0Winter 2021 SASSex Elections
Here's a place to ask your SASSex candidates questions about their platforms! Voting takes place on SASSweb.
14Winter 2020 SASSex Elections
Here's a place to ask your SASSex candidates questions about their platforms! Voting takes place on SASSweb!
14General Discussion
Find your ArtSci friends or make new ones as you talk about SASS, school, or life in general.
3Academic Help
Ask questions and get advice (or answer questions and give advice) about upper year ArtSci or life in general.
0Combinations Q&A
For uncombined Artscis who'd like to know more, and already combined Artscis who'd like to share their wisdom.
3Opportunities Hub
Share the latest volunteering, job, or scholarship opportunities from clubs and organizations outside of SASS.
Anything that doesn't fit in the other sections: share your favourite meme, watch cat videos, procrastinate, etc.
Buy or sell goods and furniture, look for housing or housemates, coordinate sublets, and more!
0Fall 2020 SASSex Elections
Here's a place to ask your SASSex candidates questions about their platforms! Voting takes place on SASSweb!
2Winter 2022 SASSex Elections
Welcome! Here's a place to ask your SASSex candidates questions about their platforms!