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January 13, 2022- SASS Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Sophie!Sophie!

SASS Meeting- January 13, 2022

Attendance: Michaela H, Hannah T, Quinn M, Sophie M, Lia F, Tinson C, Phoebe N, Jess K, Luna Q, Natalie C, Jerry M, Maya V, Griffin K, Ingrid C, Sydney W, Nisha G

Michaela: hi! Welcome back! We are online. Here are updates!

  1. We were trying to get WW planner apps out over the break but the process has changed since last year. We don't know what that means. We talked to Jean. Jean said don’t send. Meet with shelly. We’re going to meet with Shelly. We’ll send out the apps after we meet with shelly in the next couple of weeks. Still hoping for interviews end of Jan and have people chosen by reading week, rep apps during/after reading week. People can apply as a duo or as a solo and get matched. Apply apply apply! Its a big deal and you deserve it. Does anyone have any questions?

Lia: is this for the 2 main planners not reps?

Michaela: yes. Apps for reps will go out after planners are chosen

  1. We had a president's council meeting. We talked about going back in person LOL. MSU president elections are going on and noms close tomorrow. You saw my email. Actual voting is Jan 25-28.

Ok turn over to MAYA

Maya: senate updates: lots of relevant things.

  • Covid updates: some students are coming back this week for labs, mac is giving out rapid kits but they sold out almost immediately, they should get 40K and try to distribute them more effectively. Here are some hypotheses:

    • If people miss class because of COVID: hybrid system, echo360 for live lectures to provide to students, profs might livestream also. Profs pushback against it.

    • Something called The Owl as a form of hybrid system. You’ll hear about it if they use it.

Quinn: is there any discussion abt people who have in-person and online right after one another? Like, are there spaces for students to do courses online at school?

Maya: they haven’t addressed that bc they think everything will be in person

Luna: will they be having in-person tests/exams? What if you have to isolate yourself during an exam?

Maya: Not totally sure. Might be class by class might be faculty-wide.

Tinson: are they working with the idea that everyone will be in hamilton by February?

Maya: Yes. They are done w covid. Gunning for in person by Feb.

Michaela: that's what we should be preparing for. Gov’t is saying going back no matter what so that’s what we should be assuming as well.

Maya: Yeah. The main idea is just to be ready for in-person, accommodations will come if needed.

  • Policies at Mac: discrimination policy and sexual harassment policy have some sketchy changes. Not major or terrible but the removal of some words that some people find problematic.

    • Senate was not made aware of the change so yknow. Spooky.

  • A new certificate has been made for students in science programs. For students who are aiming for a science degree but want humanities/artsci/interdisciplinary experience. Not exactly relevant to us but yknow. Cool.

Hannah: thank you Maya we love u. Jess!

Jess: Vikita wants me to keep you posted on some stuff! Vikita is talking about getting some free menstrual products and has contacted some companies. We need your vote for when this rolls around tho. Also, she met with the accessibility coordinator: we’re working on helping people transition back to in person. Last thing: president election!

Henry: Kaffeehaus is HAPPENING. Everyone in SASS has to submit an entry or else.

Hannah: maybe I’ll submit a guided meditation.

Sydney: Agora was successful! 80 participants and 5 profs. Also sending thank you gifts to the profs. Does anyone have any ideas for gifts?

Going to make a program advisory committee. Meet first in Feb.

We met with Jean. Course proposals? We’re going to work with her on 2023/24 year.

Tinson: might be cool to have a cognitive science/psychology/AI as a combination. Going to suggest it to Jean.

Michaela: you should reach out to adeola.

Sydney: she told me to reach out to gillian. any one else have opinions?

Quinn: yes i loved it but here’s my thoughts: number of people was huge, might have been nice to have had smaller group discussions in some way? Even if a prof isn’t in the group

Sydney: thinking about maybe having more timeslots or something.

Michaela: I agree with Quinn. It felt a bit like a lecture/pressure for profs to be the center of the conversations. Older agoras were smaller and felt more like a group discussion. Would be interesting to see the feedback!

Hannah: thank you Tinson and Sydney! Does anyone have any in person ideas?

Quinn: Cookies!!!! I was supposed to do it but we had a covid situation. Maybe lets do a distanced milk and cookies: just cookies no socializing.

Michaela: We should do the Euchre tournament, even if it's online. We should talk to Mateo or Rachel Mery. Any other January ideas?

Lia: Communittee was brainstorming yoga or puzzles online? Other things also: going to continue a drop a spot but not with a specific time and just a hike. Netflix party?

Michaela: love it.

Sydney: snowman-making competition?

Tinson: cootes skating? But not like as a group activity just an idea for people to do on their own.

Luna: 1st years move back this weekend. But we aren’t sure what we can organize for them? We don’t know what buildings are open or anything but we’re going to meet.

Quinn: Sophie, you could make a list of these things as independent activities for our socials.

Jess: We did an online bingo with hamilton activities.

Quinn: also we have candy grams maybe on valentines day?

Pheobe: Nisha and I just checked who is in hamilton and it seems that people are. 3rd-year events: we’re having a Zoom call tomorrow that’s just open for chatting to us as reps.

Michaela: thanks all!!!!

Jess: some people have asked about formal. What's up?

Jerry: we are currently booked for [REDACTED] on [REDACTED[! They’ll let us know by February 6th. We’re going to send out a save the date soon.

Michaela: okay bye.


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