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March 23, 2023 - SASSEx Winter Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Gillian IrwinGillian Irwin

March 23, 2023, 7:00-8:00 pm

BSB 104 / Zoom hybrid

Present: Tinson Chen, Gillian Irwin, Oyin Aderibigbe, Priya John, Phoebe Newton, Griffin Kinzie, Flynn O’Dacre, Ally Kortes-Miller

Joining virtually: Maya Verma, Ishmeet Johal, Luna Quail, Ian McMillan

Regrets: everyone else :)


  • Agora happening March 30 – will be lots of great intellectually-stimulating conversation!

  • Communittee is going to RBG for the Frogs exhibit

  • Pizza Plunge is scheduled for Saturday April 15th following the transition brunch

Tinson: Today’s meeting shouldn’t run too long. Nice chance to reconvene, talk about the year that’s past, talk about the shadowing meeting in two weeks,

Oyin: Agora is next week in DSB (DeGroote).

Tinson: Do you think we’ll get more than 30 people?

Oyin: We could get 50 maybe.

Tinson: Profs?

Oyin: So far Dr. Wu, Dr. Marquis, Dr. Chakraborty and many one more.

Tinson: If I sound like it’s for online. Everyone else is a no?

Oyin: I think we’re good; making discussion posts. Please tell your friends to come!

Tinson: Any more updates?

Ally: We’re going to do a frog day whatever budget we have left!

Griffin: Take whatever you need for frogs!

Flynn: EOHSS approved and tomorrow promoted. 8 people for sure (first-year interest). Can afford to take 10 people.

Griffin: How much in the budget? Right, I’ll bring it up.

Tinson: So subsidizing tickets?

[Discussion of RBG Frogs! A ribbetting experience]

Tinson: Can everyone online hear what’s going on okay?

Luna: We can hear but missing key info.

Tinson: I’ll try to summarize the main points.s

Phoebe: I’m trying to get photos up tonight – they’re loading slowly.

Tinson: I’ve got all photos this year uploaded to hard drives!

Oyin: Could we make a formal google drive for all formal photos taken informally? I would do it, I’m just worried about the amount of free Google storage.

Phoebe: I’m also worried about storage.

Oyin: Do we have a SASS google account?

Griffin: We do, there’s a few things on the SASS drive.

[Google Drive storage technical discussion]

Tinson: Wanna use that in the meantime?

Oyin: You can make a shared google album – better for photo quality.

Phoebe: I agree.

Tinson: Recently backed up SASS Minutes from 2008. I think web admin is a critical thing for next year, even just for one more year to transition us to whatever form the website takes next. Any more updates? Online? [Nothing from the Zoom crew] One big item for today is roses and thorns and buds for SASS this year. Open to the room!

[Tinson plugs in laptop to speaker. Projector comes down. Mood lights on – jk to that last point]

[Tech difficulties ensue]

Tinson: For those online - we’ll put them in the chat instead. Any thoughts?

Flynn: Rose – definitely progressive dinner. EOHSS was brutal. Not sure if that can be fixed – worth further conversation with Marquis.

Tinson: Point is outreach, going through unofficial channels make it harder.

Ally: Email is always guaranteed to get to people.

Ally: Rose is also farmer’s market. Thorn is I didn’t bring bathing suit for practice tonight!

Tinson: One bud could be just booking rooms under generic events even just to ensure there is a place to host things.

Priya: Thorn not having SRA Rep but rose easy to fill in. Hopefully bud is to have observer position filled next year.

Tinson: I think there will be interest. Do you have election plan? [directed at Flynn and Ally]

Flynn and Ally: We’d like to talk about that with you, maybe a more one-on-one conversation.

Oyin: Rose – group bonding was a great idea [long live SASS bowling!]. Thorn I wasn’t a fan of the after-nomination procedure. Bud is figuring that out next year. Also, bud is communication with ArtSci community, so they know what it is that SASS does. The world after COVID was tough.

Tinson: We have a struggle differentiation SASSEx/SASS, and encouraging regular participation.

Griffin: Bowling was rose. Thorn was meeting frequency of meetings, also not sure how to go about improving that.

Tinson: I was also disappointed we didn’t get to talk about much else [other than the elections] when working out the kinks. With 2 cohorts of 90 we’re likely to get lower gross participation but per capita just as high. Already starting to fill positions.

Phoebe: Rose I think we did well re-building after COVID, within wider SASS good incorporation between meetings. Also snacks. Consistency of meeting schedules were a thorn but not anyone’s fault.

Tinson: I tried to keep most open period. Constitutionally should be 3-day advance.

Phoebe: I think yeah just a goal going forward. Sometimes weekly sometimes gaps.

Tinson: Big thing felt like we weren’t meeting when the election thing was happening.

Griffin: From my point of view, it’s hard to know a more consistent schedule sometime need more meetings.

Tinson: If we made weekly meetings and skip when we don’t need them?

Flynn: That works for musical.

Tinson: With smaller SASSEx it was in student houses/coffeehouses. Good thing to keep in mind. Anyone online? Nope. What are mine. My roses – you guys. Good transition, new admin, EOHSS, moving forward ability to pass on what we’ve learned, continuity with executive will be good. Better transition reports! Thorn getting caught up in the politics of it and for a few weeks we weren’t serving larger SASS community. I was going to talk pizza plunge even though socials not here.

Griffin: Is it functions?

Tinson: Think constitutionally its social. On here I don’t know if its changed recently – says socials. Oh Sadie is here. We should finalize date. Most pop was Saturday the 15th I’m worried ArtScis will have exams?

Sadie: Saturday works well. We shouldn’t worry too much about dates. Ppl will always have conflict. The Friday is probably worse. James said he’d be down to host, but I know [Tinson] mentioned interest in hosting. Idk if our backyard is bigger. Could travel to James’ to do plunge? Could also do a yard sale thing at this event or listing.

Flynn: We should do a bike sale! Lots of fourth years have bikes they don’t want to transport back with them.

Tinson: With [my house’s] corner property can have more sections to break up the event. Was my thought. Idk are you and James leaning to one or the other.

Sadie: Idk if James has a preference. If you guys are already setting up tables might less work overall. I’ll leave it up to your comfort.

Tinson: Open preference up to room?

Ally: James is closer to mine so selfishly would prefer that.

Griffin: What are the hours of the pizza plunge?

Tinson: We can decide right now. After the brunch 2-2.5 hours. An hour after that people start coming for Pizza Plunge. Should we call it 1ish?

Sadie: Anywhere from 1-2.

Tinson: Do we want – how late could pizza plunge go?

Griffin: Could go til 4am. Most of my house probably wouldn’t care but we should discuss.

Tinson: Saturday now seems like more popular so that’s decided! Anything else?

Flynn: Transition report deadline?

Tinson: The meeting 2 weeks from now. Is that a good timeline for everyone? Would Thursday be a better day for Pizza Plunge if not that day.

Sadie: Worse for me - I have an exam the 14th.

Tinson: We can start promoting as soon as we have location. Let’s call it 2! [For event start time.] I had one other thing… I’ll text you guys. Thank you.

Meeting adjourned.


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