Minutes by: Sophie Marchetti
Thursday January 16, 2020
4:35pm - 5:30pm
Attendance: Michaela H, Julia M, Hayley M, Haley H, Grant S, Simon M, Corbin M, Adeola E, Sydney P, Catherine H, Sophie M, Rachel M, Maya V, Tinson C, Will L, Ingrid M, Anna LM, Anna B, Will A, Paige G, Elena W
Regrets: Katerina S
*For clarity, Will A will be referred to as William and Anna B will be referred to as Ana
Hi we’re back! Welcome to 2020.
Individual updates !
I made a transparency report- you’re all in it so read it to make sure I didn’t wreck your persona
We went skating. That is all. We had fun.
Artsci Euchre Night soon!
Yes, January 29, Euchre tournament. Kinda like bridge. Everyone brings a non-perishable food item and we donate it.
1st ever Sib Dinner happening!!! Please come out! Simon and Michaela will be leading us in GAMES!
Might need help with set up, clean up, and transportation.
If you are bringing a dish please consider making a main dish rather than a dessert because we are TOO poor to make them ourselves.
Had a meeting with iSci and health sci. Having TriSci dodge ball on the 1st Wednesday of February.
Rep applications for artsci are due Friday, interviews end of January.
Simon and I are coordinating an event for the 1st and 2nd years because we haven’t had a chance to come together yet.
Tentative date looks like end of January maybe sooner or later who knows?
A 2nd year asked if we had ever had a place to gather ArtSci writing and if the SIF was going to re open b/c she would like to start this kind of thing happening? She’s interested in organizing it and has great ideas but would like to ask about it to greater SASSex.
The Agora used to be an artsci magazine that has died and would be cool to revive. I have all the old agoras on my computer.
She had a bunch of interesting examples!
She should apply for the SIF and I am very excited to hear about it!
If she applies through SIF she can come and speak to us through that. Or, if she isn’t looking for funding/doesn’t get the SIF, she should still approach SASSex in general to discuss!
The musical still exists. We are going to be in the Robinson this year, shows March 12,13,14
Only $30 of the bursary was accessed last term. We are opening it up to the musical tickets too. $970 left which is more than enough to also offset some formal tickets.
Recording for the nov.dec. podcast is almost finished and then jan will happenSRA meetings happening too.
JPA SPA: working on 2nd agora of the year and outreach for artsci!Looking into “a day as an artsci” idea but we have yet to meet with any admin regarding it
Senate meeting yesterday: new mac president and they need to select new provost and new VP. Man had great ideas. Wants to partner with the city. McMaster got some money (like 100 million). McMaster and president acknowledge loss of students in plane crash
Nothing major with the SRA as we just had our latest meeting on SundayNext Sunday we are potentially going into a vote regarding an OPIRG referendum.
On my end: gonna reach out to BHSS to try to get the safetalks event to happen soon.
Trying to get the rep auction stuff for the first years!
Sassweb is broken. Quest is to figure out where the domain was purchased from.Because it currently is down. It’s a quick fix but we just need to contact the company. Also give people your mac email and not the sass email.
Maybe we can send out an email to all of artsci? Just to let them know that the website is down for now?
Yep will do
Ok lets move onto other stuff.
Ok for first: lets do a reflection/review talk. Should we have them?
Long discussion about relevance of reflections.
Ok so maybe it can be a choose-your-own adventure kinda thing. We’ll make a big document with all of your little documents or something so that future sassex can look into it. Please have it done for the next meeting.
Ok next: agora brainstorm. 2 ideas: 1. Health, 2. AI or Education/Technology
What abt a combo???
I think we’re leaning towards the whole AI/should we be scared of google thing because it doesn’t require too much background knowledge besides the amount of information we already have regarding it. Let us know if you have any ideas.
Ok great brainstorm. Finally Logoooooooos wow!
Very fast talking discussion regarding logos which had no definitive decisions made. But I (sophie) couldn’t keep up. Sorry.
If anyone has strong opinions regarding the logo let us know soon!
Ok bye!