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Jan 23, 2020- SASSex Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Sophie!Sophie!

Minutes by: Michaela Hill

Thursday January 23, 2020

4:30pm - 5:30pm

Terrific Minutes from Jan 23 SASS Meeting

Attendance: Michaela H, Corbin M, Catherine H, Haley H, Kiana K, Hayley M, Ingrid C, Momina A, Anna B, William A, Tinson C, Maya V, Katrena, Simon M, Adeola E

Regrets: William L, Sophie M, Elena W, Sydney P, Paige G

Absentees: Anna LM, Kajaani S, Meghan B, Grant S, Caroline B, Veronica K, Rachel M

*for clarity, William L will be referred to as Will

Anna B:

Thanks to everyone who came to Sib Supper!

Will is in Montreal today, he sends his regrets.

Before we move on to SASSWeb update, Momina and I made a SASS cabinet inventory on Slack.

We tried to be chill with how we organized the cabinet, we did it by shelf and then had a general category of things that are in there. There are instructions on the side. I’ll update how much is left in there after Sib Supper. This helps us know what is in the cabinet and what’s not there anymore and who has it.

Any questions?


For food stuff, if it says withdrawn, that means it’s not there anymore?

Anna B

Yes. That’s all for VP Functions. SASSWeb update?


SASSWeb has moved to a temporary URL. Anna LM sent out the link today. We called the archive website domain people and they sent to voicemail. So, the temporary site will be good for now - everything is under control, the website is the same as usual but with a different link.

Anna B

Do you know what happened to the feedback forms? Were there any that have gone through the site? I can ask Anna.


I do not know.

Anna B

I’ll ask Anna LM.

We asked you to write a report about things that have been helpful for you and things that you want people to know for next year.


To help VP Social next year: Things I found helpful in terms of booking, what’s the best cost/cheaper options for Halloween, transportation, pizza places… some places have student deals, all that info is in there.

I had trouble with was the Halloween Dance because it was me on my own. I had a committee but it was mostly first years, so they were still getting into things at school and couldn’t really help much.

I could have been better at assigning roles instead of just asking people. I should have reached out to other execs - that would have been better. It would be better if it was balanced amongst other people. Everything else has been pretty good.


Fourth year is really busy so it’s hard to plan events. Can’t guarantee that a lot of people will show up.

SASSWear update but Elena isn’t here and she’s in charge of that.

Maya and Tinson

We sent out a full list of academic and social events going on in ArtSci to help everyone stay on track. We have a shared google calendar. We’ve liked working with upper year reps! We’ve tried to stay on budget, and we thought about doing some fundraising to get more money.


Best turnout was at the end of year pizza social - this was more successful because, since everyone has a different schedule, we asked people well in advance what date and time worked for them, we gave them 2 weeks notice, the timing was really convenient and a lot of people could fit it into their schedules.


Didn’t put much for SRA observer - what ever preferred format of getting info out there is great, as long as its consistent throughout the year. Go to the full SRA meeting because it’s hard to catch up otherwise.


Adding on to Adeola, not much has really been going on. Referendum vote is this weekend. SRA meeting for OPRG - I am going to vote no for referendum. If you have a big concern for OPRG, see if your friends can reach out to their SRA’s, because I don’t have much power to get them to vote no. If a lot of people reach out to them, they’ll have more of a reason to vote no because this may not be on their mind right now.


Don’t have anything general to add or new updates

For mid-year transition notes - the position of program advisor is being edited right now, we’re not really looking to think about transitions yet.


Challenges you’ve faced?


The position itself was created under a different director and under different circumstances, so over the years it’s become not obsolete, but certain tasks have become unnecessary.


Each set of people each year are figuring out the same thing every year about what to do and what this job means, what is in their domain… so we’re working with Will on the advocacy part of SASS to solidify that, so that it’s not a continuous thing that people keep having to figure out.


One of the challenges I’ve faced is lack of info about putting together a committee for Communittee. Would be nice to have more support and more people accountable. A better structure and system would be really important for this system.


Also, the promo for events was not done very effectively in the past, so I was trying to distribute information more regularly, and I think that’s been more effective and I hope this continues on and is a more recognized entity in SASS. Also, there is no record of budgeting for this role, so I want to implement a structure and system so people have an idea of how things work.

Updates: Euchre tournament next Wednesday, the 29th. Go, it’ll be fun!


Biggest Challenge for me was the massive inefficiency in this role. We operate without online banking, so I have to go wait at the branch. I want to move things online so we can etransfer and do things online instead. Right now is quite a burden! This role has to have more of a foresight component: I got an email from a person who oversees club finances, and wants to know if we have plans for our reserve funds and any capital investments: where do we want $9000 to go and grow and what we want to do with it as it grows. Next year, treasurer should start to think about what major capital purchases should be made. Let’s think about a debit machine for next year?


This year was an initial successful overhaul of SASSWeb onto wix. It looks a lot more manageable and appealing, and we got a great resource connection with the ArtSci McMaster link. As soon as we get our domain back, we’ll have more control. Going forward, we want to make sure more people are on SASSWeb for voting. Go to SASS events and get people to sign up on a computer. Also, we want the logo to line up with the website!

Hayley M

The first semester was just me trying to figure out what this role is. I tried to talk to intramural captains, but it was hard because they were in exams and the season was over. More people also play in the fall (soccer, softball).

Update: there will be a dodgeball game on February 5, 5-7 in the Smith Gym. We’ll put out posters for that!


In regards to the report, nothing was too out of the ordinary for our role. We had a few events, one of which was a fundraising event - we used some money for a 1st and 2nd year game night coming up. Getting people to come out is probably the hardest thing - how to advertise better, get the word out, scheduling/timing better.

We also want to work on transparency, this came up with prof gifts.

Anna B

One of the biggest challenges for VP Functions was finding BBQ’s for Sib BBQ - need to stress that to future VP Functions. I’ve tried to get things quite themed, practically focused, which really helps get people out.

Anna B

Any other things that people want to mention? Updates?

Ok. Let’s talk about Kauffeehaus.


Level 4 Reps will MC if they want to. I’ve been trying to book Bridges again, and Anna, Will and I discussed February 24th as a good day, but Bridges is unavailable that day.


Let’s go into the meetings channel and discuss which date is best from the possible dates for February. Not many dates are available.

Is there some sort of opinion on when people don’t want to have it at all? I know Will said he wants to avoid having all the events in March.

Should I just try to find a different venue? I’m trying to get in touch with the coordinator because there are a bunch of times when Bridges is just unavailable…


There’s an open time February 7th after 8pm.

Hayley M

Rep bonding things that night.


Could we look at a different venue?? Last one was great even without being in Bridges. There was a good turnout. Would it work on the same date or would it be better on another date? Calc Quiz, Physics Quiz, Stats Assignment, SPT Midterm, some upper year inquiry things going on. We thought that people could practice over the break and then bring something. Any firm opinions?


If the 24th it’s a light week for everyone else, then it’s probably fine.


Every week is busy! We should just do it then.


First years have nothing then.


So other venues that we could try? If people would be down to practice over reading week?


I was thinking MUSC Clubspace or CIBC Hall.


Do any other dates come to mind? Looking at NWWF, TriSci Trivia, General Meeting, Elections, The Musical…


What about March 20th?


Do people feel weird about the Monday right after reading week? What about the Tuesday?


It was on a Tuesday last time and people went.


What about that Friday?


MMT is that night, so we don’t have shows on the Monday, but I think we have shows Tuesday-Saturday. There are a lot of ArtScis involved.


Would they also perform/come that week?


Probably a really overwhelming week for them.


That leaves the end of March, which is what we were avoiding.


But things are pretty spread out in March


So which days do we look at that week of February 24th? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday? Monday is open for MMT people, Tuesday is the day before the Physics quiz?

Let’s talk about SASS logo. SASSWear needs this logo by the end of the weekend so they can order and do legacy gift. We had the final ones we wanted at the last meeting. Last meeting, we narrowed down to 3, but didn’t do that efficiently. Let’s come up with a plan for which one we’re putting out to SASSWear.


We concluded with sending out a google form with a ranked ballot. We could send it out tonight, have it close on the weekend, and get it all in before SASSWear.


Are we good with that? Sweet. Let’s narrow it down to 3. Preferences about which 3?


I like the foot one a lot - it’ll look really good on sasswear and welcome week shirts and stuff.


I like the top three: pink and purple, foot…


If we change the logo, do the SASS colours change as well?


If we submit a ranked ballot, we can reserve the right to make sure that the logo aligns with our colours.


We should drop the all black one. Just make a black and white version of the second orange and purple one.


Does anyone prefer diagonal S instead of straight? (in the 9th and 10th logo in the proposal folder)


I would like to re-propose that we have four options.


I second the paw logo. As of right now we have the have the purple sasquatch and the diagonal colourful logo.


We had recent merch - not all the merch has to have the logo on it. Some designs change from time to time, so put it on the form that this isn’t the be all end all.


We could make this decision final, or we could formally approve the decision at general meeting in March. Are we taking up too much time with this?


Can we give them 3-4 options from the folder?


Yep - that’s what we’re doing.


Can we fire off a google form and have people fill it out for the weekend?


We could add a question asking if people have questions/concerns or feedback so we know if people liked the process?


Great, that sounds good for transparency.


Comment box at the bottom sounds good


The one that has the black and white A + S I don’t really like.


Also the logos you see don’t have to be in the colours you see now.


The logo has to be on all finance documents, so it needs to look like it’s a legit design. It might be weird to have a sasquatch on a form requesting money from someone.


People seem to be in favour of the writing SASS and the foot option. If we want to do 3 or 4 options, we can include one of the other two options??


Let’s just send 3 since we’ve narrowed it down and we want them to answer quickly.


So the paw is being sent out?


The paw needs to be cleaned up. I don’t like the lines and stuff.


We need to be clear that the designs/colours may change.


I don’t think there will be contention about slight modifications?


Just make it really clear that the colours might change.


So paw yes. Walking sasquatch yes. So tilted writing or straight writing?


I like the non-tilted. Lots of people agree. I made a colourful version of it. SHOWS - people like it.

Vote on tilted vs non-tilted.

Tilted: 5

Non-Tilted: 9

Motion passed for Non-tilted logo.

Anna B

Are we good to submit non-tilted as an option then? Do we need to discuss further?

Vote on establishing ranked ballot with these three options, explaining that colour may change…

Unanimous vote in favour

Motion passed to establish ranked ballot

I’ll talk to Will. We’ll be in touch with the logo review committee about the ranked ballot.

Thank you everyone!


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