Minutes By: Sophie Marchetti
January 30, 2020
4:30pm - 5:41pm
Attendance: Will L, Anna B, Grant S, Kiana K, Haley H, Tinson C, Katerina S, Will A, Hayley M, Ingrid C, Simon M, Adeola E, Sydney P, Catherine H, Michaela H, Corbin M, Sophie M, Anna LM
Regrets: Maya V, Paige G, Momina A
*For clarity, Will A will be referred to as William and Anna B will be referred to as Ana
Meeting agenda is on slack
Let's get started
SASS second term!
We have a ton of events in March and nothing in February or January!
We’re trying to move events to these other events sooner.
I hate the people who run bridges.
7th of February is now not rep bonding so that's open
It’s soon so it’ll probably be just set for after reading week\
That’s good because the Agora is coming up soon.
12,13,14 are show dates for the musical
I was looking for general meeting dates: march 4th or 11th ?
1st round of elections week of march 16th, 2nd round week of march 23rd
2nd year stats midterm is the 12th so we would probably prefer the 4th
Anyone object to the 4th?
We are potentially looking at trivia that week but we haven’t specified a date
Please follow up with isci and health sci to figure that out. I know it's hard to plan things because a lot of things are happening.
So basically we’re thinking March 4th. If you disagree, let me know today because I want to book a room for tonight.
We might not be able to move trisci trivia
I don't want GM on a Tuesday bc of night classes, Wednesday works well.
We could also do the 5th if we are willing to do SASS meeting and GM or just a GM?
That’s a good idea.
Here’s a list of events in March:
Formal is on the 27th
Coffeehouse is TBD pending on booking
Musical is 12-14
GM is either the 4th or the 5th
1st elections week of 16th
2nd round 23
Athletic events?
Agora was scheduled over dodgeball but that’s okay because the EOHS was filed wrong anyways. The other programs are being difficult when it comes to organizing.
That sucks. Let’s try to rebook. Ok so that’s the schedule for big events, please promote your smaller events too!
Now to Anna on SASSweb!
SASSweb has been disconnected from the other host and we moved it to wix site.
I reached back to the old admins from when Will and I were in first year and they know who bought it but it seems that it was bought through either an email that doesn’t exist, isn’t working, or a personal email account.
I’m going to try to reach out to that person.
Worst case scenario, we wait for the domain to expire in september and then repurchase it.
Can we buy it now?
No because someone owns it and that person is us.
Hopefully we can find whoever had it and figure it out. Right now, sassweb is fully functional on wix.
Do you think we can fix it before elections?
Elections still work well on wix and we can just link people to the elections site.
Ok yes we will figure this out.
Also, we are planning on getting people to sign up via telling them to at SASS events and kind of forcing them to sign up through in person confrontation. That usually works.
We also bought an app to help us run elections- its on the elections tab on sassweb which you can only see when you’re logged in.
The only problem is that the old sassweb was associated with year and then each person was de-ratified when they graduated and they could control what people can vote on.
Also I’m not sure how to guarantee that 1st years dont vote on 3rd year elections????
Can we solve that?
Might not be possible?
We may have to use simplyvoting if we can’t separate votes by year.
You can have passwords for certain pages and you could just email out passwords for each year. Or potentially sorting into year groups?
Can you look further into this and let us know within a week? Maybe you could put people into membership groups? We could save like a couple hundred dollars but if not ~no pressure~
Ok onto Haley!
We increased our fees without referendum according to inflation as provided by the MSU. If we wanted to have a referendum, people would have to promote a project that would require more funding than the 2.1% inflation increase. With the exception of last year.
SIF update?
I’ve written the email but I haven’t sent it. I can send it out asap if we want. It’s still in the budget.
How do we keep people accountable for the SIF?
Last year we just gave them a cheque. Maybe next year we can make them write a report about what they did with the money.
We can also stick with the receipt system so if they don’t need all the money they won’t get it.
So we’ll give them a couple weeks to submit ? Great stuff, onto Kianna!
Mindful photography session in LRW and we’re going to print and post the photos for the month of march. This is going to happen on the 13th.
So no SASS meeting on the 13th
Can we vote on the 2.1% inflation increase?
Motion to approve 2.1% increase of SASS fee according to inflation.
Unanimous in favour 15
No abstaining, no opposition
Motion approved.
Individual updates time!
Euchre was last night, William and Emily won!
Intentions workshop on Monday!
Next week Wandering Wednesday, photography workshop and then reading week.
Bake sale for the musical happened. We made money!
We currently do not have a junior producer to take on the role of senior producer next year, first reaching out to SASSex and then I’ll reach out to all of SASS.
Today, we hit a lil speed bump with our account, trying to prevent issues with signing officers on accounts. We are still listed as an MSU bank account even though we haven’t been affiliated for a while. SIF is going out for due date at the end of reading week. If you need reimbursement lmk!
Sib Challenge getting launched
1st/2nd year event soon
Poll for logos is CLOSE! Announcement Friday.
Study night the week before reading week.
Looking for a new date for dodgeball!
Looking at cookie grams next week for welcome week funds!
Agora next week- Sophie is making promos.
Equity and inclusion survey closing soon !
SASSwatch podcast is out talking abt the presidential elections.
2 SRA meetings passed.
Referendum for OPIRG hasn’t been mentioned.
2nd year rep stuff is the same as 1st year!
Hope you all saw my email, I’m doing an outreach project on social media.
I have gotten significantly more responses than expected which means I’ll probably have to reject some people or just involve them in some things rather than other things??? which sucks. But i also met with Shelly, she says it sounds great but she has to run it by Dr Wilson, also she has to figure out the ArtScis social channels.
Also, I was thinking about maybe one day starting a communications team? Like photographers, videographers, content creators because there’s a lot of social media stuff that we're missing out on. If you know how to edit / animate lil clips / make music that you might want to promote in the videos (like as background music) please let me know !!!
Sounds good! A communications team would be good.
Corbin and Michaela:
Have nothing to say.
Opirg thing soon maybe.
Talking to SRA health sci and nursing abt an event collab for the SRA.
I think I figured out the voting thing but it’ll be $3 per election? I’ll let you all know more later.
I went on vacation.
I’m gonna go to a president's council meeting soon.
Okay bye.