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January 25, 2023 - Winter General Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Gillian IrwinGillian Irwin

January 25, 2023, 5:30-7pm

Attendance is not kept for General Meetings

Quorum (59) was met at 5:47



· Events are coming!

o Paint night (first year event)

o Euchre Tournament – January 31st

o Marquis Movie Night – February 3rd

o Spaghetti Dinner

o Winter Agora

o Art Show

o Summer Opportunities Milk & Cookies – February 3rd

o Formal – March 22nd

o Koffeehaus – February 10th

o ArtSci Musical – March 24th and 25th

· Constitutional Amendments

o Art Show and Aletheia non-voting SASSEx roles

o Amending Athletics and Recreation Officer role

o Honourary SASS membership

o SASS membership fee increase

· Nominations – keep an eye out; your name could be listed!

· Late night pizza

Sorry the TL;DR is so long - just so much happening in ArtSci!!

Tinson: Thanks for coming tonight everyone. First up – announcements from SASS!

Charlotte and Tess: Hey so we’re basically to give you guys an idea of what the role of Welcome Week Planner entails. You’ll be in charge of hiring reps, attending training, running events, managing move in, etc. It’s a paid position now - which yay! Introductory training with other faculties. Can you have a job? If you have never been a rep? Short answer: yes. Long answer: come talk to one of us.

Tinson: Applications for the position close Feb 17th, shortlisted candidates will be interviewed Monday and Tuesday after Reading week. Now an announcement from Maya.

Maya V: Who knows what Sobi is? Great service and students have to pay a $100 annual fee for use. We want to move referendum that voting should only be $22, making it more accessible to students. If you want to support, then please sign the petitions coming around.

Monica: [video submission] Here to give you info on the SRA Representative role. MSU and SASSEx both? Yes please! If you want to have a voice in the MSU and represent ArtSci students, please nominate yourself or friends!

Tinson: MSU Presidential elections are happening. I encourage you to read up on candidates and vote in that election! Platforms and critiques are available on the Silhouette. Now on to upcoming events in the SASS calendar.

Ishmeet: Come out to paint night guys! You don’t even have to paint it’ll just be a great opportunity to hang out and relax.

Anthony: Euchre tournament is January 31st at 7pm. Please come! All skill levels welcome!

Tinson: Come to Euchre; it’s such a good time!

Ian: Movie night is going to happen with Marquis, there’ll be an email with details coming soon.

Tinson: Community spaghetti dinner… what’s that all about?

Ally and Flynn: Basically, it’s the progressive dinner but only with spaghetti. So if you came to progressive dinner and thought this is great – the only way it would be better is if they were only serving spaghetti, then this is the event for you!

Tinson: [Impromptu giveaway] Water bottle for weirdest non-utensil that you can shout out to me!

[Maya E. won with feet]

Oyin: Feb 8 is our Winter Agora on labour rights from 4:30 to 6:30. I’ll also use this as an opportunity to plug our program advisory form, also to be distributed soon. If there’s anything that you want communicated to program administration this is the avenue for that!

Olive: Art Show is happening! On campus! In MUSC! The submission form is open now until next week.

Maya V: Another event on February 3 at 2:30 on summer opportunities. Cohosting with David and Oyin in LRW 3038. More news soon!

Tinson: A formal announcement. The location of formal! Ancaster Mill. Do you guys want to talk about this?

Caroline and Rachel: March 22. Tickets will be sold soon, please come it’s going to be beautiful!

Sadie: Kauffeehaus will be Feb 10th in the basement of MUSC – more details forthcoming!

Wim: Hey Tinson – what about the musical??

Sanjana: Musical is on the 24th and 25th at the Robby [Robinson Memorial Theatre]‼!

[Thunderous applause for musical]

[Impromtu T-shirt giveaway – consensus is that Tinson should stop chucking since it hasn’t gone so well for him this meeting]


Addition of Art Show Director non-voting position on SASS

11.21 Art Show Director

The Art Show Director shall:

11.21.1 act as the representative of the Art Show on the SASS Clubs Department;

11.21.2 organize the Artsci Art Show in the Winter Semester;

11.21.3 attend SASSEx meetings as needed in order to fulfill the role.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

Addition of Aletheia non-voting position on SASS

11.20 Aletheia Liaison

The Aletheia Liaison shall:

11.20.1 act as the representative of The Aletheia on the SASS Clubs Department;

11.20.2 coordinate Aletheia publications with other SASS initiatives;

11.20.3 attend SASSEx meetings as needed in order to fulfill the role.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

Amendment to the role of Athletics and Recreation Officer

11.4.4 administer the SASS clubs department, should such a department exist.

Ella: Is this just a technicality or part of the MSU clubs department now?

Tinson: This creates position for club ratification opportunity within ArtSci. The Ath and Rec role was designated in the COVID era, so this is just a clarification of the responsibilities of the position

David KE: What does it mean to be a representative on the Clubs Department?

Tinson: These are non-voting members that do not have to attend SASS meetings but are affiliated with SASS through the program.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

Amendment: Extension of honourary SASS membership to individuals outside the program.

5.2 Membership in SASS is not open to non-students except on an honourary basis.

5.3 Honourary membership in SASS may be granted by majority vote of the Executive to non-SASS members who have been active in SASS and have rendered distinguished service. Their membership will be noted on a ledger maintained by SASS;

5.4 Honourary members may not hold any executive positions within SASS or vote on SASS affairs;

5.5 Honourary members who have paid the annual society fee may pay Artsci-discounted prices and attend Artsci-exclusive events.

If they can’t vote then why? Is there a person that wants to be part of SASS?

Question: How would [membership] be decided?

Tinson: This existed before as an honourary position for past ArtScis. They’ll be put on a leger accessible to the executive.

Question: Ballpark number who have been honorary members in past?

Tinson: There haven’t been honourary members in my history.

Flynn: Is there an approval system?

Tinson: Yes, it’s a vote of SASSEx.

Luna: How would someone apply?

Tinson: I think it’ll be brought up at SASSEx meeting on a nomination basis.

Oyin: There would have to be a clear process if this passes. There needs to be a level of transparency about processes.

Tinson: The next thing will be a SASS bylaw with all the details if it passes.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

Membership Fee increase

Proposed increase over and above government CPI adjustment for inflation. This change would be instated in the 2024/25 school year. Current fee is $33.81. CPI rate of 6% would be 35.84. Proposed catch-up amount is $40.19.

Tinson: Last increase was 2020, since then it has not been increased even by inflation amount since then. Griffin, do you want to explain a bit more?

Griffin: Hello! I’m Griffin, Master of Coin. Basically, the cool events held by SASS are hard to fund with the current budget. It is worth considering both sides of the coin; if you don’t come to a lot of SASS events then this might not be fair. If you think that a $6.36 is an unfair increase, then obviously don’t vote for it.

Tinson: Our goal is to create an outsized impact on the ArtSci community for the price that people pay in their tuition. Hopefully we’ve given everyone $33 worth of fun this year.

David KE: By what was the 2020 increase? I don’t think it gets increased every year.

Griffin: The vote has been to not increase the last few times. SASSEx has the right to increase by CPI, that is our right. Its anything above that we put to a vote to the general members of SASS.

[Discussion of the math of the increase over CPI]

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved


Round I

Athletics and Recreation Office

Anthony Cherubini

Indigo Kim

Argen Rao

Evan Tyler


Sarah and Jack Gilles

Junior Program Advisor

Evan Tyler

Athena Warren


Indigo Kim

Rachel Lewars

Jack Gilles

Abeer Farooqi

Senior Program Advisor


Flynn O’Dacre

Navya Sheth


Sydney Wisener


Surbhi Rao

David Landrey

SRA Observer

Dani Wohl

David Kanter

Surbhi R.

Anna Farley

Jayden Miller

Atara Lipetz

Formal Convenor

Sara Patterson

David Landrey

Graeme Lavrence





Cate Ott

Hanna Rao

Flynn & Ally

Amarah Hasham-Steele

Tess McDonald

Oscar Hand



Community Chair

Anna Farley and Surbhi Rao

Ally Kortes-Miller and Flynn O’Dacre

Alex and Ella

Nate S and Olive

Sadie MacDonald and David Kanter Eivin

Amarah Hasham-Steele and Mitchell Lane

Luna Quail and David Landrey

Sam DePaul and Tess M

Ekta and Jennifer

Communications Director

Andrea Chang

Sydney Wisener

Josh Watson

Surbhi Rao

Taryn Mann

Zoe Komlos


Adriana B

Jack Mah

Sarah Gilles

Impromptu Pizza Referendum

[After an order miscommunication resulted in no pizza available at the end of the meeting. Ah!]

Later date – 25

Later tonight – 31

Master of Coin

Griffin Kinzie

Ian McMillan

Jenette O



Surbhi R

David Landrey

Liam Feldmen

Derek Shen

Vice President Social

Sadie and James

Monica Yeom

Hanna Rao

Chris Smolej and Alex

Luna Quail

Ian McMillan

Avery & Graeme Laverence

Zachary Vaughn

Vice President Functions

Oyin Aderibigbe

Navya Sheth

David Kanter Eivin

Sam Jolly

Sydney Wisener

Hanna Rao


Eric Wen

Flynn O’Dacre and Ally Kortes-Miller

Griffin Kinzie

Navya Sheth and Sam DePaul

Oyin Aderibigbe

Marissa Parry-Lai

David Kanter Eivin

Nate Steeves

Sydney Wisener

Jack Gilles

James Esemu

Olive Thomas


Level II Rep

Sarah Greene

Ishmeet Johal

Jack Gilles


Arjun Rao

Level III Rep

Oyin Aderibigbe

Ian McMillan

Luna Quail

Level IV Rep

Sam DePaul

Amarah Hasham-Steele

Sydney Wisener

Ella Brown

Sanjana Shah

James Esemu

Bohmee Kim

David Kanter Eivin


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