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March 3, 2022- SASSex Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Sophie!Sophie!

Meeting Minutes for SASS (super artsy silly students)

Attendance: Quinn, Lia, Michaela, Hannah, Natalie, Phoebe, Sophie, Gillian, Mateo, Ariella, Sadie, Sydney, Griffin, Jess, David, Henry

Hannah: I hope people had good reading weeks/ mid-term recess. Updates! Events this month! Trivia was supposed to happen but some communication problems sooooo coming soon.

Sydney: Agora next Friday! Tinson and I are meeting this weekend to sort it out and make sure Friday is still feasible. We are thinking sustainability/environment theme. If anyone has any suggestions in that realm, maybe message us!

Michaela: Once you have a date totally set, reach out to Dr. Wilson so she can include it in her weekly email.

Hannah: Gill, musical updates?

Gill: Tickets on sale soon! Show will not be on campus, the Robby is closed until May. It’ll be at [REDACTED VERY COOL PLACE]. In terms of fundraising, we’re planning one more bake sale to have at either kaffeehaus or final general meeting.

Hannah: Talked to Adeola last week about transportation to musical and we’re thinking of doing bus schedule thing and getting people to the location all together using HSR.

Gill: Adeola and I just won’t be able to assist with that because we’ll need to be at the venue but SASS exec or upper years would need to help with that because we can’t.

Michaela: Also, thinking about filling up upper-year cars and getting them down there. Okay! General meeting needs to happen soon! 2 rounds of elections need to happen for the spring. We have a list of positions that go first, then people can run for a 2nd round if they don’t get a position in the 1st round. So looking at the Calendar we were thinking of March 17th. Hoping to have it in person. Capacity in rooms is 50% so we’ll just get a big room. Another thing: Does anyone have any constitutional amendments they want put forward?

Sydney: I met with Maya and she suggested that we have JPA do sib matching from now on? I don’t think JPA should be voted on in September because it prevents them from doing course proposals in the fall. JPA should remain a spring position.

Michaela: Jess and Natalie what do you guys think, as first years?

Jess: Most of us didn’t know what we were voting for or even attending the GM for? So a spring election for JPA is fine, September is already overwhelming as it is.

Michaela: We can put this to a vote at General Meeting.

Quinn: This would make the VP Functions role a bit smaller but maybe it would still be a big role in person.

Michaela: It would definitely be bigger in person. Backyard BBQ is happening at the end of the year!!

Hannah: Congrats on selling out formal tickets!!

[everyone cheers in a virtual way, lots of compliments]

Jess: Vikita got funding for her menstrual equity project! I’ll be posting about this soon. If anyone is interested in helping, message one of us.

Hannah: We have received all the applications for WW planners! We’ve narrowed it down to 3 pairs and they’ll be reviewed and interviewed by the selection committee. We should know who our planners are by next week. Moreover! Art Show is asking for money from us! Around $200-$400. The venue is expensive.

Griffin: We have the money I think for that.

Michaela: The AGH is a bit of a huge choice, it doesn’t seem like it’s the cheapest option but they said it was so I believe them! Everywhere else was probably booked.

Gill: I think part of the event is that it’s kinda supposed to be a fun, upscale-ish event? And they’ve already announced it to the whole program so there isn’t any going back on it.

Michaela: I agree. It’s more of a conversation now on what SASS can do to be supportive.

Jess: I feel like there was definitely a lot of work put into this so we should definitely try to support them.

Quinn: It’s lovely to have it at a nice venue and people get kinda dressed up and it’s a very special thing, especially to have it not at a place on campus like LRW.

Henry: I agree. Fun event. We should support it.

Michaela: We’re also sitting on a lot of money from last year so we can help if we want. We do have the funds.

Motion to fund the art show.

Majority approve.

Motion approved.

[discussion on how much we can afford to fund- too many people spoke quickly, came to the conclusion that we have $300 to give to them]

Henry: Bad news! They gave away our spot at the Westdale. I’m trying to find a spot there that works in our calendar. Alternatively, we can look on campus.

Gill: 4th-year announcement- we’re looking to book the planetarium for a show for 4th-years!

Quinn: I have a question for 5th-year rep? Who votes for that?

Michaela: I think it’s an as-needs position? Okay folks! You can leave! See you soon!


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