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Nov 19, 2019 - SASSex Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Sophie!Sophie!


November 19th, 2019

Minutes by: Sophie Marchetti

Novel Minutes from the 9th SASS Meeting

Attendance: Michaela H, Simon M, Sophie M, William L*, Ingrid C, Catherine H, Hayley M, Adeola E, Paige G,Tinson C, Maya V, Anna B*, Anna LM, William A, Katerina S, Rachel M, Corbin M

Regrets: Sydney P, Elena W, Grant S, Caroline B

Absentees: Meghan B, Veronica K, Kajaani S, Haley H, Kianna K, Momina A

*Anna B will be referred to as Ana, William L will be referred to as Will



Hi we just reached quorum so now we’ll start

Agenda is on Slack

1st discussion and vote on what to do with our email accounts (


We found out that the SASSweb email addresses were tied up with our old hosting service and ingrid extended it until the 27th of november. Anyway, for the future we need to pick a new one, i have 4 options:

Zoho ($1/user/month), Wix (50% off rn, through g-suite, $3/user/month), Makeadoo (swiss, free but with a mandatory email signature, or $4/month), GmxMail (up to 10 addresses for free but popup ads), or make new gmail accounts but they would be


I would prefer an signature, can you elaborate on option 3


You have 1gb of email storage and send up to 10 emails/day, or $4/month with a bunch of other good stuff (and 100 emails/day).


Idk how much we actually do speak with external organizations? So maybe we should just stick with gmail?


WW planner, president, and treasurer all get a bit of traffic though so we want it to be more professional.


We can definitely cut down our emails to 10 accounts to use GMXmail


Seems like the main purpose of these is external communication with people? Maybe we can just cut it to the 10 top accounts?


What is the financing of the emails?


Pay by month or by 12 month package


Maybe we can make it s.t. each position head can decide at the beginning of the year if they need an email then? And we can limit it to 10.


Good idea. On the host site where we have the domain, when you get an email, all emails are forwarded to and filters are set up on there.


3rd option seems best. As long as we have a money back guarantee.

If it’s free for now, we can probably go ahead without a vote for now and then if we decide we want to spend the dollarinos on it we can have a vote.

Ok next item of discussion.

2020 WW selection planner committee

Our official decision is to recommend ****** * and ****** *.

Not to be released until the next SASSex meeting.

The committee is thinking of doing an evaluation of how last year and this years decision process went. Any questions?


Can I hear a solid 30 seconds of their proposal/ reasoning for their selection?


We did a formal vote as the committee and never made up like a real set of reasons why we chose them but we can hear from the committee.


Perhaps the committee can put out a statement that’s collectively discussed and we can delay the vote until next week?


Ok we’ll just formally vote on the decision to make the committee develop a statement regarding their decision.

Formal Vote to develop statement

Unanimous yes besides 1 abstention

Statement requirement imposed


Should we make this public to all of SASS or just SASSex?


If someone requests it, then we can provide it to them

We can push back this vote a week then.

If anyone not on the committee has something to say about this please let me know, this is a new process and it may have flaws and we want to get it right. So y’know. Ask away.

Ok we’ll move on:

Last thing we need to discuss and vote on: SIF funding? We heard presentations from Nick, Tad, and Elena.

Heard from the artshow that they actually made a profit and were able to pay back the artists so perhaps we can consider giving the money to a different project.


Have we heard back from Tad about Dr. Wilson?




We’re at the same point as last week then?


It might be good to give the artshow the money so that if we invest in them, their operations next year may be better and make them sustainable.


They had a lot of people purchase tickets at the door so that’s how they made profit


I think in order to give money to Tad and Nick, we would need a formal write up that says exactly what money they need, how they’re going to do it, if they have approval, etc. because without it we can’t actually do anything.


Maybe we should hold out and open it up next semester? Or reabsorb the money back into SASSex?


If we are strategic, we might be able to get a higher chance of approval with admin and Dr. Wilson, regarding Tad’s idea?


We also need to have a formal way to explain how his plan would be sustainable.


I think what we should do is reject all ideas for now, and reopen applications in January?

Have a budget plan?


We can encourage Elena, Tad, and Nick to reapply next semester with a more set plan.


We should have a standardized form with budget, title of plan, and 3 or 4 points regarding each idea.


Yeah that would be good, and save time for us too.

We can inform all the current applicants after the vote.

Alright, then we can leave this to a vote:

Formal vote to reject all current applications and reopen applications in January

Vote unanimous yes

No money will be given out from the SIF at this point, applications will reopen in january


Have we decided on a coffeehouse venue?


IAHS 142 is the tentative location

Any concerns?


Kudos on getting this all booked, thank you tinson, maya and momina!!!

Individual updates


SMA3, nothing new to report, Provincial economic statement came out, deficit of $9B, university was told to reevaluate sexual assault policies.


Did board of governers talk about the whole TA thing?


Nah. It was just a presentation on who the BoG is.


A meeting or two ago you talked about the whole late withdrawl policy? What’s happening with that?


It was passed so it is implemented. If anyone wants to drop a course because they are going to fail it, they should go and see their academic counselor. No mass email went out but for those who are going to fail, they are probably meeting with their academic advisors, and they would tell them about it.


Tentatively confirmed, Milk and Cookies next monday?

OCRC is coming to talk to 1st years abt off campus housing.

Looking for upper years to come and talk about it too, email will be out shortly.

M&C&grad school was last week and I think it went well :)

Kianna and I are starting to promote the Children’s aid society holiday event.


We are probably going to have a going away exchange event happening before the end of the semester, gonna be fun, just gotta book a room :)


If we do it on campus, can we have food? Do we have to use paradise catering? Also where can I get cheap pizza?


For general meeting we use LAVA.

Anyway, bye!!!!


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