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November 15, 2021- SASSex Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Sophie!Sophie!

Attendance: Jerry, Gill, Ariella, Adeola, Caroline, Nisha, Sydney, Griffin, Mateo, Henry, Lia, Phoebe, Tinson, Quinn, Luna, Natalie, Hannah, Michaela, Sophie

Late: David

Absent: everyone else.

Hannah: I have a gavel! Just not here. How are you all! It’s been 2-ish weeks.

Michaela: It’s been exactly 2 weeks. Updates?

Quinn: Housing Panel happening Thursday! If anyone is interested in being on the panel, let me know.

Hannah: 1st-year reps! How are you feeling about housing stuff?

Natalie: The housing facebook group is entirely chairs. Some carpets.

Caroline: Check the housing portal!

Natalie: Mostly expensive apartments.

Luna: People are talking a lot about finding houses and people to live with but no one has actually gone hunting yet.

Quinn: Also, was hoping to put out a google sheet with people who are leaving their houses and people who are willing to give their houses to other artscis.

Michaela: In the past, we’ve had artscis give their houses to other artscis- any other houses?

[4th years look blankly at one another, graduation sounds scary]

Quinn: I think it would also be good to have a portal for furniture for sale

Natalie: People do not use Facebook.

[We figure out the most consistent platform for first years, it’s not Facebook. It might be email.]

Michaela: We have to go through Microsoft for First-years, so just make sure.

Jerry: Could also do a non-Mac google doc or sheets.

[we talk more about logistics, you don’t care]

Hannah: any more updates?

Lia: Communnittee has been super successful! Drop-a-spot has been working well. Next Saturday’s is dropping soon on IG!

Sydney: We were thinking of making a program advisory committee? To figure out what the academic needs of SASS are.

Michaela: Have you guys thought about Agora?

Tinson: We just put out topic suggestions on IG.

Michaela: just keep in mind that we might need to book multiple rooms because of the 25 person limit.

Sydney: could also be online Tinson: online/hybrid satisfy enough people, also ZoomBombers suck.

Hannah: Okay. Maybe an Agora towards the end of semester? Also. Kaffeehaus. Who knows.

Henry: Might have a birthday party at the Westdale Theatre, 29th. Also, next semester we could have movie nights there for $350.

Tinson: We could also talk to the Bean Bar?

Hannah: You two talk about it.

Michaela: Semi?

Jerry: We truly do not know.

Ariella: We’re currently putting all our eggs in the basket of a semi next semester and maybe formal?

Jerry: We’d like to put a deposit down on a place but we aren’t sure. Places are booking up fast.

Michaela: Check out how much we would get refunded and talk to MOC.

Hannah: Okay, level reps what’s up?

Luna: We’re planning a 1st-year gift exchange and cookie night, secret friend style.

Natalie: We’re going to send out an email on the 19th

Luna: It’ll have a form and we’ll set up a night for it.

Michaela: VP Social used to also help out in previous.

Hannah: We also used to have a dare in the past given to each person by their secret friend.

Sydney: When we were online, we did our dares in our online writing lecture.

Michaela: Other level reps? You are welcome to book out rooms for 25 person study nights. Put them on the shared calendar.

Hannah: We’re hoping to get together a welcome week planner selection committee. We’ll have people outside of SASS and artsci as well. The planners are typically selected by February.

Michaela: When should we put out planner applications?

Caroline: Early January is better than December.

Quinn: What if we gave it in advance and offered it to people to have it over the break?

Michaela: Sounds good. We’ll put something on teams about the committee. We’ll hopefully be able to get a non-artsci planner also on that team before the end of the break and the old WW planners will also be on that team.

Natalie: Any news about rep auction?

Quinn: I reached out to the welcome week planners.

Michaela: tell your year that if they bid on “experiences” we’ll try to get them organized in January.

Hannah: There’s room in the budget for a debit machine!! Jerry! Order it if you want. And MOC will reimburse you.

Michaela: Griffin update! We can now reimburse people for things they bought!

Adeola: In terms of budget… Do we have a document with budgets?

MOC: We’ll finalize that by the end of the week.

Adeola: Does SASS have cheques?

Michaela: Yes. They’re with Griffin.

MOC: I can’t sign into the online banking. Going to CIBC tomorrow.

Michaela: See you all in a couple of weeks!


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