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November 3, 2022 – SASSEx Fall Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Gillian IrwinGillian Irwin

7:00 pm-8:20pm

BSB B139

Present: Tinson Chen, Monica Yeom, Hanna Rao, Sydney Wisener, Luna Quail, Sarah Greene, Ian McMillan, Maya Verma, Rachel Mery, Caroline Bredin, Jessie Chan, Phoebe Newton, Flynn O’Dacre, Griffin Kinzie, David Kanter Eivin, Gillian Irwin

Regrets: Ishmeet Johal, Anthony Cherubini, Sadie MacDonald, Natalie Chu, Sanjana Shah, Alex Harris, James Esemu-Ezewu, Emily O’Halloran, Priya John, Oyin Aderibigbe, Charlotte Johnston, Ally Kortes-Miller


  • We found out what the heck is going on with the SRA

  • SLEF proposal update – possible SASS-specific space (that’s a tongue-twister)

  • Semi-Formal is really happening! Tickets going on sale ASAP!

  • Milk & Cookies & Housing is coming up next Thursday, and Maya would love some help with set-up/take-down!

Introduction to SRA: Monica introduces us to role of SRA Representative. An example of a vote: Engineers Without Borders takes money from all programs… Also pitches some ideas to bridge the gap between SASS and SRA. There is also a Year Plan for SRA Representative! Ideas:

  1. Continuing Menstruation Project in MUSC – in LRW instead of MUSC?

  2. More field trips!

  3. More combinations!

  4. ArtSci Tutoring Services!

  5. Tie in SRA to SASSEx events so ArtScis are informed

  6. Advocate for increasing TA wages

Priya is planning to start an ArtSci SRA Instagram page

Maybe instigate SRA Office hours in LRW; there are biweekly meetings of the SRA.

Tinson: There are potential connection points within SASSEx for some of the initiatives as well.

Griffin: How would field trips be funded?

Monica: There is a relevant point of contact within SRA. This is just a preliminary idea, though!

Tinson: Thanks for the presentation, Monica! Now we need to be sure that we’re promoting responsible intake of alcohol. A fund for alcohol safety through SASS (emergency kits, funding rides home)?

Maya: I worry about bringing Uber into it, might become tricky (fluctuating budgets, what qualifies as unsafe, how do we know they’re safe after they leave the event)

Tinson: We should talk about what to look for in terms of alcohol poisoning, just as responsible humans.

Jessie: How do we advertise this safety precaution so as not to sponsor unsafe drinking?

Maya: An educational aspect would be helpful - create some guidelines and a safer long-term culture.

Caroline: This should only be a SASS-specific event relief budget.

Tinson: Would always be an indirect form of aid, not money to go buy food or something, obviously.

David: As much as food is good – it won’t save an EMS call; the root cause of the problem is more cultural.

Tinson: That’s a good point – and this isn’t just an ArtSci problem. I’m getting the sense it’s more campus-wide.

Maya: Can we promote a culture of safe drinking by not just referring to McMaster resources but speaking from experience?

Rachel: Also in terms of the next event, Semi-Formal is on the bus line but not super close re: transport services & alcohol consumption.

Tinson: Yeah, I think the consensus seems to be a focus on how we educate. We’ll need one cohesive strategy. Next on the agenda – SLEF. Dr. Marquis is on board with a couple of caveats. We have reached out to iSci, which is interested in collaborating. Will be open for Milk and Cookies-type events, prof/student debates were events held in the more-distant past, and also could be an optional lunch space. Dr. Marquis does not want this space to draw people away from LRW, so it will mostly be open when LRW isn’t open.

David: I’m a little worried about the restricted hours.

Tinson: If this is an interdisciplinary space, could open the hours up. There also becomes a question of who they’re letting in, the level of friendliness, etc.

Maya: Dr. Marquis suggested framing it as a SASSEx event space, then can still have study night events. This is SASSEx space of operations if this makes sense, we can talk about some thoughts about that later.

Phoebe: I don’t see how it fits with the director’s wishes if this becomes a “better” space than LRW.

Maya: I think we really highlight the SASS functionality.

Tinson: SASSEx members have the key to the space and can open/close the space, maybe the opportunity to expand it more broadly to extend access for future years.

Luna: The usable space in LRW is also not that big – to get a medium-sized group to study it takes over the whole space. Plus, the food thing. LRW gives the opportunity for more individual study time.

Tinson: If we involve other faculties, it becomes a larger project – more money that can be used but also more compromises to be made.

Rachel: Also, we don’t always have collaboration with admin on every project.

Phoebe: I still don’t understand why we don’t have access to emails.

Tinson: We do have control over comms through year group chats, and social media. Could propose a meet-in-the-middle control mechanism – only individuals within SASSEx have control. We could create our own email list but would be more maintenance.

Maya: Could also create guidelines for email format. There could be an “opt-out” of SASS communications option if the concern is too many emails.

Tinson: Yeah, a style-sheet type thing.

Maya: If SPA and JPA want to collaborate, as this is an advocacy issue?

Tinson: Could also collaborate with other faculties to know how they address this concern.

Sydney: [Back to SLEF] If only certain people have access, that’s understandable, but faculty-specific study spaces for all SASS students would be ideal in addition.

Tinson: Thinking it will start with the leanest amount of people with access and work from there.

Sydney: If other SASS adjacent groups have some space. [Musical, Alethia, Melange, etc.]

Tinson: The reason this might go through, more buildings are being built, so some groups will probably move out of MUSC. If we can stay within MSU, then that would be less headaches. $20,000 towards rent that might need to be paid.

Sydney: Any idea what the space will look like? Will that be shown through the proposal?

Tinson: What we’re voting on today will be what is shown on slides.

Motion to pass the proposal

Motion passed

Maya: Having house-hunting milk and cookies! It will be November 10 from 2-4pm in LRW, and has been approved.

Luna: There is a conflict with physics tutorials.

Maya: I will check with second years in future. If anyone wants to volunteer to move things, that would be a big help.

Sydney: Do you still need people to talk?

Maya: We’ve got a bit of a panel with pre-made questions and then a Q&A session. I’ve created an ArtSci Facebook community post.

Tinson: Facebook might not be the way to go. Maybe an Excel Spreadsheet?

Ian: Could be an email-blast

Tinson: Might be edited quite frequently, so email might be ideal. Notion is kinda hot?

Maya: Is there another way to contact other years? I know Facebook is kinda outdated.

Sarah: I think people can make an account, at least for this purpose.

Sydney: Most people make Facebook accounts, which might be the most accessible.

Griffin: I finished the budget. Just need President's approval, can submit it to SASSEx as well.

Caroline: What does the budget look like for ticket bursaries? I know in past, it’s been 50% of the ticket price.

[Discussion of SASSwear and budget]

[People leaving at 8]

Maya: Main points – help clean up – message me! I will make Tinson admin and then send out to fourth-year group chat and 2nd year in case people are looking to sublet their rooms when they go on exchange.

Tinson: Super sexy ArtSci Semi!

[Tinson would like it entered into the record that he did not sneak into the venue to take the picture on the slides. I repeat Tinson did not take the photo on slides!]

Rachel: They want insurance for the photographer and DJ. Tickets are ready to go on sale tomorrow – Instagram is ready to go. In-person ticket sales in LRW and e-transfer option. Thinking of offering an option for up-charged last-minute tickets at the door. Proposed $20 tickets.

Hanna: That’s so good‼

Tinson: Don’t feel guilty about a higher price – in the end, it is just making formal less expensive.

[Discussion about budget around Semi and Clarke email communications. Lots happening – much numbers – sorry I missed a bit here]

Caroline: What do we feel about $25?

Rachel: That’s got my vote!

Phoebe: I don’t think the price is what will stop people from coming.

Hanna: What time?

Caroline: November 22 and 9-1. It’s been an interesting collaboration with the venue.

Rachel: EOHSS has had some feedback, but all’s well there.

Phoebe: We are working on a Microsoft form for merch proposal. Thinking of getting people to commit and pay ahead of time and use that money to purchase.

Tinson: When you order surplus, make sure to order mid-level sizes.

Flynn: Communittee Farmer’s Market event was fun! About half a dozen turnout. Progressive dinner is also happening. What do we think about having profs?

[Consensus is having profs might not be most comfortable for everyone]

Tinson: Fall Social is also coming up, which will be a prof opportunity.

Flynn: We were thinking about having people sign up in groups. What do we think?

Caroline: Have a “free-agent” option as well as in groups?

Sarah: If it were randomized, then could break barriers between years. First-years have expressed wanting to get to know more upper-years.

Flynn: December 6th will be the date!

Tinson: Next Steps: Better collaboration within faculties, sort of an underground interdisciplinary network. If it makes sense to collaborate, then do so! Capstones coming up. Have end-of-year mingling opportunities. If we do an end-of-semester transition report, that’ll be sometime in December. Thanks for staying late, people!

[Meeting adjourned]


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