October 1st, 2019
Minutes by: Sophie Marchetti
Fiery Minutes from the 5th SASS Meeting
Attendance: Corbin M, Michaela H, Simon M, Sophie M, Anna B*, William L*, Grant S, William A, Sydney P, Ingrid C, Catherine H, Anna LM, Veronica K, Haley H, Hayley M, Adeola E, Paige G, Kajaani S, Kianna K, Katerina S, Tinson C, Maya V
Regrets: Momina A, Rachel M
Absentees: Meghan B, Jess G, Elena W, Caroline B
*Anna B will be referred to as Ana, William L will be referred to as Will
Hi hello it’s raining so let’s get this done
We have 3 new SASSex members let’s meet’em
And let’s introduce ourselves
(Introductions- people like vegetables *corbin only likes booster juice, william likes veggie straws)
Ok so we gotta elect WW planners. I posted an alternative hiring process on Slack.
We would have a hiring team: president, treasurer, last 2WW planners, a non-artsci, 3 at-large SASSex
What’s the point of having a non artsci?
No bias because artsci itself is super small.
How many applicants typically apply for WW planner? Last year there was just one team
Typically, 4 or 5 teams, last year was an anomaly
How do we decide the 3 other execs?
Volunteer/vote in by sassex??
There’s a reason we are only having 3 other SASSex members! Previously we had all of sassex on the team, but it seemed intimidating to those applying and felt like too many fish in the barrel if ya know what I mean
We could do a random draw for the 3 execs if more than 3 volunteer
Promo-ing for WW planning is difficult because it is a big commitment- a major application is tricky because it adds to the stress of the commitment level.
We could change the application to just name, contact info, and year info?
Once the committee convenes, we can address issues regarding chairing, application, and other.
Any other thoughts on formally approving this WW Planner Selection process?
Vote to approve proposed WW Planner Selection plan
Result is Unanimous yes from all voting members of SASSex
Motion passed, WW planner selection plan is in motion
We should probably select the 3 at large execs soon!
Also, we might not have a SASSex meeting next week, or the week after reading week.
Halloween!!! Momina has sent out an email regarding the event on October 22nd, at 9 pm at the Spice Factory. If you have any questions, let Momina know.
SASS bursary! We were considering putting in a rule this year that is the bursary will fund up to 75% of any event/item or $100 whichever is smaller.
The bursary of $1000 is in place as of the General Meeting, but we have control to add rules.
We were thinking of putting the 75%/$100 thing in place so it could reach as many people as possible. It would currently be most relevant to present a capped %.
I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the 75% cap if its too low, too high? We are encouraging people to only access the bursary if necessary.
Should we change it to 100%, 50%?
How many people wanted access to it last year (during formal)?
12 people requested it for Formal, but we only said we had enough for 10.
Up to what point should we expect people to pay? Is more than $20 too much for formal on a bursary?
I have no hard opinions.
How did we fund people during formal last year?
b/c we wanted to fund everyone, we did 50% per ticket and supported all 12 individuals who applied for support.
How are we going to work the bursary if tickets are in demand? (because seating is less this year)
For anonymity, we ask that people pay upfront, and then request the money after. So there will be no worry of slow response leading to no ticket for those in need.
What if they can’t front the money?
We could send them the money ahead of time, and have applications for support come ahead of time as well.
What if we find out that we can’t support 75% of every ticket, say 10% instead?
We can go into deficit if needed.
It can be a case by case basis.
We can have a different percent for each event, ex. Halloween fund is $5 each
We can take all these thoughts and bring them together at our next meeting
Halloween in general:
We had a thought of doing 2 different ticket prices, one with an additional $1 donation for the bursary.
We can have the finance committee talk about that.
This meeting, lets have committee updates !
We baked last week, it was fun, that’s all.
Momina says her committee has signed up to sell tickets
23 people committee!
Low commitment group, mostly on facebook, super fun.
Meeting this week!
Hopefully the commitment levels stay up!
Website committee!
The committee is small but mighty, will meet early on thursday.
Program Advisory Committee!
Just agora stuff.
3 people signed up at the general meeting, most of our convos will be about the bursary
Side note:
Does dsassage go to admin and Dr.Wilson?
Equity and Inclusion Committee!
We have a list of people, we gotta reach out to them, going to have a meeting this week? And we need ethics approval
We need to just figure out structure and objectives so I’m meeting with Emma about it.
We should meet with Emma soon together.
Individual updates if you have them?
I was going to make a video but I scrapped that. Instead I’m going to do a podcast with captions posted on SASSweb. That’s how I hope to get SRA info out.
SRA meeting this week. Uni affairs is now starting to meet and interview health services. I would like to meet with Dr. Wilson soon about securing extra study spaces for Artsci students
Friendsgiving dinner!! Invite all your friends! Mostly geared towards artsci and international students and would be cool if you were planning to go on exchange or are going on exchange. Sign up on facebook, and what dish you’re gonna bring.
Wandering wednesday, every 2nd wed. of the month. We are going to dundas peak and hopefully it’ll be pretty.
How would sass feel in getting one of those debit tap pads? I think this year I’ll go through eventbrite, or cash in person.
We got the money for that. As long as exec approves that. Would probably be great. Ask the finance committee to look into that.
Should we buy a kettle?
We have a drink contraption. But we can buy a kettle if its approved by the exec.
Combined honours thing! I’m going to meet with Dr. Wilson and the pitch that to you after reading week.
Ok cool! Bye!