October 20, 2022, 7:00 pm-8:00pm
BSB B139
Present: Tinson Chen-, Charlotte Johnston-, Rachel Mery-, Maya Verma-, Ella Brown-, Sadie MacDonald-, Anthony Cherubini-, Oyin Aderibigbe, Ian McMillan-, Gillian Irwin-, Flynn O’Dacre-, Priya John-, Ishmeet Johal, Sarah Greene
Regrets: Natalie Chu, Griffin Kinzie, Tess Vosper, Sanjana Shah, Caroline Bredin, Alex Harris, Hanna Rao, David Kanter Eivin, Luna Quail, James Esemu-Ezewu, Sydney Wisener, Phoebe Newton, Jessie Chan, Ally Kortes-Miller, Emily O’Halloran
Welcome first year reps!
We discussed the possibility of a recurring ArtSci event, would give students a designated study space for after 4:30 when LRW3038 closes
Halloween party is happening Wednesday, October 26! Probably!
Discussed semiformal updates (happening at Bridgeworks on November 22nd! Very exciting!)
Housing milk and cookies coming soon – potentially a combining and grad school event later in the year as well.
Talked about committees. Join committees people‼
Tinson: Welcome to first-year reps! There was a pretty good voter turnout so congrats on that!
[Did refresher introductions for first-year reps]
[Discussion of super secret secular gift exchange for first-years. So exciting!]
Ella: There was just a vote for the CUPE TA Strike; collective bargaining strike will be called if talks break down, which means no labs/tutorials. We’re suggesting a buddy system to support the first years in case of a strike.
Tinson: That gave me the idea for a generic ArtSci event – an after-hours all-purpose space once weekly after LRW3038 closes. In terms of EOHSS, maybe a 50-100 person capacity room to use for non-alcohol/non-sports thing. Maybe milk and cookies + SASS office hours?
Maya: So, extended study space?
Tinson: Exactly, and that way, we can organize committees easier. Food will be permitted in the space as well.
Ian: Great idea for extra support!
Rachel: It’ll have to be organized as study help.
Tinson: It would be nice to support the TA strike as an organization.
Rachel: Should be implemented now, not seen as reactionary (to possible TA strike)
Anthony: We could call it a recreation room!
Ian: So, the idea is to market it as club space?
Tinson: Yeah. With the upcoming migration of student services out of MUSC to a new student area that will leave empty rooms in that building for more things like this (shoutout to future SASSEx-ers! – possible initiative!) Moving back to the agenda...
Sadie: James has been taking the lead on this. So, here’s the rundown: The event was approved for Monday before we were aware of the SPT midterm. The same form was submitted for the same event just on Wednesday now and we’ve hit some roadblocks. James was supposed to EOHSS today, I’m not sure how that went; they wanted insurance from the club. As of today, the club hasn’t sent insurance. James has been bugging all the right people, so not much more can be done at this point. We think it’ll go through, though.
Charlotte: I have a form for insurance stuff from Welcome Week if that might help?
Sadie: Oh, thanks!
Tinson: Do we have a Plan B?
Sadie: Not really, we don’t have another venue on standby. We do assume it’s going to work with &thenyou!
Tinson: Okay, any news on transport and bursaries for the event?
Sadie: In terms of the bursary, we are sending people straight to Griffin.
Tinson: Now, on to a semiformal update?
Rachel: We have a venue for semi – Bridgeworks! It’ll be a 500-person capacity, and we have tech, bar, and staff included. Hoping to make a profit off the event as a fundraiser for formal! Griffin paid the deposit today. Thinking about having 1-2 shuttle buses? It’ll be on November 22nd. We know that this is the first SPT paper deadline, but we also figured it would be okay because it’s not the only date that it can be submitted.
Ian: We’ll send Clarke an email and see if he would be willing to maybe move the date?
Rachel: Yeah sounds good; it’s a larger capacity, so people can bring non-ArtScis. Might be snacks! The EOHSS process is happening tomorrow.
Tinson: Milk & Cookies update?
Maya: Yes, hoping for November housing milk and cookies for first-years. I’m trying to get in touch with McMaster Off-Campus Housing – the goal is that they’d give a bit of presentation about the process, landlords, lease, etc. The priority is to have upper-year students talk about their experiences. Most likely will be in the first couple weeks of November.
Tinson: Reminds me a couple of things. At one point, there was some sort of process to get ArtScis into ArtSci houses. Thinking about pitching a year-end yard sale in the spring to pass on household objects/small appliances as well.
Maya: Yeah, I can work on facilitating that!
Rachel: Could also talk about subletting of ArtSci rooms for those in housing now that might be going on exchange next year.
Tinson: Committee updates‼
[Consensus is that committees are not going well on the whole.]
Gillian: I will add the forms to the linktree on Instagram, so hopefully, we can get some more interest.
Rachel: There used to be discounted tickets for setup/takedown for those on the Formal committee.
Tinson: You probably all received the SRA elections email…
Priya: I would be willing to take the role on, however, I understood that the Representative has to already have been the Observer?
Tinson: The Observer is more of a SASS-specific thing. Recently Jess and Vikita were in the position.
Priya: I haven’t received anything for my position yet either from SRA.
Rachel: Tomorrow night is the candidates meeting for SRA!
Tinson: Nominations close tomorrow so let’s advertise ASAP. Nominations have to happen, will be resolved as an election. Let’s get some participants so it’s an actual election with real voting!
[Discussion about candidates meeting]
Maya: Would be good to maybe get advice/input from Vikita and Adeola so that people know what the role entails. In an email “we have past representatives available to ease the transition.
Oyin: We could just get second years to nominate all the other second years.
[Nominations are occurring as we speak. SASS has decided that the email platform is retched and abhorrent…but we digress]
Tinson: Security won’t be necessary for below 99 people for Halloween?
Sadie: Not required below 99, no.
Ella: No minimum club requirement?
Sadie: No minimum. EOHSS requires security plans in place only if we cross the 99 mark.
Charlotte: Melange launch party forthcoming! The theme for this month is audio, so could maybe play with that a bit. That’ll be happening on November 25th.
Maya: Question for 1-2 years: Do you know when you will start to hear from the program about combining?
Oyin and Ian: I think the program admin information session for us was during the second semester.
Maya: I was thinking about doing a combining milk and cookies event, do we think there would be interest in that? The combining process can be a little confusing so it could be nice to provide some insight on what it means from the perspective of those who decided to combine (or remained uncombined).
[Rachel looking back through email to get a combining timeline established]
Rachel: Early march is when it has happened for us.
Ella: Could we do a grad school milk and cookies?
Maya: If there’s interest! There might be an overlap with the NWWF? If you could get in touch through your third-year group chat, then maybe we can pin that down a little better.
Tinson: *audible gasp* THAT’S IT! Weekly milk and cookies! That could be how we market the study space.
Flynn: Farmer's market day coming tomorrow! Half a dozen coming out. Communittee wants in on committee advertising if that’s happening!
It is indeed happening.
[Meeting dismissed]
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