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Sept 10, 2019 - SASSex Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Sophie!Sophie!

Sept. 10, 2019

6:05PM- 6:58PM

Minutes By: Sophie Marchetti

Sets of 60 seconds from the 2nd SASS meeting

Attendance: Corbin M, Adeola E, Caroline B, Michaela H, Simon M, Sophie M, Anna B*, William L*, Grant S, William A, Katerina S, Kianna K, Haley H, Momina A, Sydney P, Elena W, Paige G

Regrets: Ingrid C, Kajaani S, Rachel M, Anna LM, Elise D

Absentees: Nicole S, Meghan B, Jess G

*Anna B will be referred to as Ana, William L will be referred to as Will



Hi! Thanks for being here, look at slack, everything is on slack.

We need to approve the 2019/20 SASSex year plan (all edits from last week have been made, any comments?)

Motion to approve year plan

Vote result was a unanimous YES by elected members

Motion passed, the 2019/20 plan is now officially approved and in motion

We also need to vote on the motion to pass the finance and bursary bylaw (Will explains bylaws) this bylaw must be voted on by SASSex. It includes section 3 which states that treasurer organizes budget. Second, it states that we must have a $9000 reserve to aide us if cuts harm our society function. Third, the bylaw explains how transparency within our finances will show everything we do with our money. Other things it includes are: the notion that musical and SASS bank accounts are separate and the money cannot be transferred, how the SASS bursary will function, how the cashbox works, etc. Read the bylaw as posted on Slack.


The bursary as suggested by the bylaw and the vote last year is only $1000? This seems low, can we increase it?


$1000 was voted on in the general meeting in January by ArtScis when given the choice b/w $5 increase and $3 increase of the ArtSci student fees. However, this is a minimum amount, we can increase it as we please but the bylaw simply requires that future SASSex will have to keep a minimum of a $1000 bursary unless it is voted to change.


Can we use the bursary to partially subsidize items and tickets as well as give free items and tickets? Or are we only using it to fully subsidize things?

Will/ Sydney:

Yeah that’s possible.


We should try to get a bursary request form done and accessible to students by the end of September.


Last year we mentioned that we could potentially add an optional small donation to ticket sales to increase bursary funds (ex. Formal tickets increase in price by an optional $1). Can we still do this?


Yep, that’s a great idea!


At the general meeting, we should explain how the bursary can be used. Maybe have a quick demonstration?


An issue with the general meeting- we haven’t reached quorum in the past and thus, haven’t been able to vote on bylaws. How do we meet quorum this time?


We can pass a constitution that changes quorum. Any questions before we vote?

Motion to pass finance bylaw

Vote result was a unanimous YES by elected members

Motion passed for the finance and bursary bylaw

Number 3! Individual updates, ok go!


We’re planning a fun thing for next weekend for the 3rd and 4th years!


Ordering pizza for the general meeting, $250 budget !! wooh !! I need volunteers to help

get the pizza !

I’m looking for a venue for ArtSci Halloween !


Corbin and I are planning the Agora. Bailey and Jess last year wanted to re-invent the agora, we did one last year. This year we are planning one on the topic of the upcoming election. If anyone has specific profs they want to invite, contact me!


Does it have to be ArtSci profs? A polisci prof at mac is very into elections (Dr. Flynn) and would be super happy to be invited.

Katerina/ Paige:

Planning with Will and Elena. Looking into organizing a study event/ study night in LRW


Milk and cookies!!! Next week!!! I have a few bakers already, may need some more.

Sib BBQ, we have hosts! John and Tad! SASS General on Slack has a list of things we need (extra BBQ, chairs, A CAR!!!!!!, etc.)

Noted that people want suggestion forums, wondering if peeps would be down for a physical suggestion box/ journal, or an anonymous journal of ArtSci doodles and stuff?


Great idea. Will the box be for all years or separated by year?


Nope, we can make it all years.


Maybe we should get a cell number to text instead of a suggestion box?


Good idea! We do use our cellphones a lot and it would probably get more use.


Frequency of suggestion response?


Probably within a week? But it depends on the process by which the suggestions are



We could make a google form?


How should we respond to anonymous concerns while still making people feel heard?


We can do a general email shoutout or maybe voice it at the SASS meeting?


I remember last year, there was a number you could text during welcome week that sent back an auto response? It might feel more human than a google form, which seems more complex.


With forms they can give an email option or leave it anonymous !


I’ll ask Dr. Wilson about implementing this whole thing and have a better discussion next week :)

Also, I was thinking about having a physical calendar with ArtSci class deadlines / SASS

events calendar. Any questions?


How frequently do upper years visit 3038? (3? 4?) Would this calendar reach them as well?


The calendar is also already online through SASSweb ! I’ll take this to Dr. Wilson :)


We made a blog for 2nd year! We had an icecream social! We have a HeartSci Club night tonight!


Healthsci doesn’t want to give us money, we want some of the money we fundraise so we’re going to advocate for how much we make!

I set up a youtube channel to livestream the meeting (trial for 2nd years) next week and we’ll be setting up a link to send out soon.


Most of SRA is focusing on the Student Choice Initiative, the MSU is running a


MSU can keep 50% of their services and 50% of the services are opt-out-able.

Talking about a mental health and wellness event/ committee.

Also I am on the uni affairs committee and they are doing a mental wellness review on

campus and they will be assessing and evaluating all the services available on campus.


I’m writing the minutes :) As we speak. I am typing this.


I’m going to send out an email soon about ABSTRACT !


Working with Sydney!


First meeting for the musical is tomorrow! Script is done! We’re having a trivia night

soonish in October to fundraise and we will be inviting profs too.


First Communittee event is tomorrow! It is wandering Wednesdays (tiffany falls!).

Progressive dinner will be 25th September and email is coming soon, ticket sales will

start next week and run through Thursday (pay what you can).

Cootes Clean up is coming up on the 22nd of September (stewards of the watershed)

October event: bake sale to support the UN bus pull (looking for bakers)


Waiting on some reimbursements for grants from welcome week.

If anyone needs reimbursement pls email me!

Barrier! CIBC institution on king west has redone the structure of their branch so they’re cashless. They’re pretty useless now because we can’t make any floats for events/ sales without a single signing convenience card. In the coming months we are either going to get this card or switch branches.


Let’s maybe make a two signing form pre-bank? Like via SASSex?


Sounds good, this situation still sucks :)


Student Choice Initiative! We are officially, as SASSex, against it. We are sending out an

email as to why people shouldn’t opt-out and we are planning class talks.

Also we have new SASSweb and info will be posted on there.


Let’s post a visual about the initiative in 3038!


Art show email is happening soon!


Ok! Please encourage people to stay in the fee! Ok! Bye! Next Tuesday be here or don’t!

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