Sept. 24, 2019
6:05PM- 6:45PM
Minutes By: Sophie Marchetti
40-ish Minutes from the 4th SASS meeting
Attendance: Corbin M, Caroline B, Michaela H, Simon M, Sophie M, Anna B*, William L*, Grant S, William A, Sydney P, Ingrid C, Catherine H, Anna LM, Veronica K, Haley H
Regrets: Momina A, Rachel M
Absentees: Nicole S, Meghan B, Jess G, Katerina S, Paige G, Kianna K, Adeola E, Elena W, Kajaani S, Elise D
*Anna B will be referred to as Ana, William L will be referred to as Will
Hi! Welcome back!
Let’s talk about general meeting!
We reached quorum so we were able to vote on things and nominate people for other things! Voting for 1st year reps and athletic director starts tomorrow morning, please vote!
If you’re in charge of a committee, please contact the people who signed up for your committee soon. Next week we’ll do updates for the committees, individually.
Reminder, EOHSS forms are required for all events not in 3038, including off campus events.
ALL events?
Yes, ALL events, unless it’s just a hang. If it’s SASS associated, fill out a form.
Changing topics, let’s talk about the results of the SCI.
20 artscis opted out in total, so we lost just over $600.
SASSex are sad to hear this
Did they opt out because of financial need or because they just don’t want to pay?
I would guess both but I would be curious about addressing those who opted-out just for the sake of it?
It would be interesting to see why people opted out and the financial committee can look into this.
Do we know what the other faculty opt out rate was?
MSU services had an opt out of 32%
w o w
In other news, SASS logo? Do we want to change it?
In 2014, we voted to make the ampersand the SASS logo and then artsci stole it and made it their logo.
Recently, the artsci logo has been changed, and the ampersand SASS logo has also been changed to the sasquatch. Don’t know when or why but it happened. It might be in the minutes somewhere.
The sasquatch is our current logo but it’s unpopular. And it isn’t practical. And it may or may not be the olympics mascot from a few years ago. We got called out on instagram.
What should we do? Should we do an open call for logos? Or a contest?
The reason we didn’t call for logos for the musical is because we didn’t want only joke designs.
We could probably get some decent and serious designs from artscis.
Whatever we do, we need to engage with all artscis and make the change a public one because we are a society representing students. They should help us come up with the logo.
I think we should do an open call.
We could do a google form for artscis to vote on their favourite logo.
Can we run it through the election system on sassweb?
We are trying to use the MSU simplyvoting system for our current elections but if those don’t work then we do have a SASSweb version we can look into
I don’t think we need to spend too much time/effort on this to be honest.
Ok so, make the logo something that is simpler and easy to use, and make it seem more important. But! Corbin is right, we shouldn’t get bogged down by technicalities.
Thanks for your thoughts, we’ll revisit this next week.
Individual updates!
SASSweb looks gooooood. We officially have cancelled the old one. Some guy who graduated forever ago has been charged for the website, so he’s going to get a refund.
Please make a new sassweb account, tell your friends about it.
We’re doing a milk and cookies at 3:30 on Thursday about sassweb and SRA.
Agora on elections is happening next week! Clark said he can’t come, polisci prof is coming, tbd on doctor frost, we also invited penner.
Sophie is helping with advertising on socials.
Sophie nods, remembering that she said she would do that.
The event is super accessible for everyone, less political jargon, more clear discussions.
Question: should we have leading questions? Concept bank? Break up into groups? How can we succeed in the effort to make it accessible and self sustaining?
If you were to do small groups, who would facilitate?
We have the option of having leading SASS members have a list of 10 questions, or potentially profs lead each group. We could also make it specific or less specific depending on turnout. The more people, the more difficult it is to facilitate a single group discussion. So should this be more planned or more free flow?
I believe that the original intent was for the agora to be organic which might encourage accessibility as long as we have the pre-distributed document.
I think the small groups may intimidate people. As well as having profs lead individual group discussions (lecture feel). Maybe split groups into 15-20 people each.
I think we are encouraging profs to engage in discussion with students rather lecture them, but I understand the vibe you’re getting.
Maybe give leading questions ahead of time and let the rest be organic?
How many profs are coming?
We were aiming for 4. But clark and danielle said no. We asked Penner and waiting on frost. But polisci prof is coming.
Dr. Lukasic would be very knowledgeable on this topic and would be interesting to invite.
What about Dr. Savelli? He has some knowledge regarding vote swapping
Dr. Wilson didn’t want to have the same profs in multiple agoras, so we’re saving him for a later one.
Level reps, send me a schedule of your major deadlines and we’ll try to make it into a big calendar.
I sent out an email about Abstract!
Health Sci and Artsci had a club night and w got 10% of the profits even though they didn’t want us to have it. But now we’ve doubled our year budget!
Adeola isnt here but here’s what she wanted to say:
Video at the end of september explaining SASS
She will be reaching out to certain people to ask for interviews
She reached out to sophie about an AMA after milk and cookies
She did indeed, Sophie nods again, remembering this, too.
SRA meeting happened:
Deliberation about a certain club that has been deratified
Wellness committee will be chatting tomorrow
University affairs is starting a health services review approaching focus groups and surveys.
Research on combined honours organization idea:
Instead of changing the artsci website, but maybe changing the combos page of SASSweb?? Anyway that was my idea.
Also I have a question:
SASS has rules on quorum and stuff and I know quorum has been difficult to achieve in the past, and I was wondering if it would be worth the discussion of talking about quorum.
I think this is a good 2nd semester chat.
Milk and cookies on thursday !!!
Do you want a promo for it?
Can it be stock photos and kind of a joke?
Should I contact first years before milk and cookies to let them know about it and other things?
Ask Boden and Savelli/Marquis to use their classes for announcements not others because we don’t want to waste class time.
Other update: Our event was a success and we broke even!
Musical update! Auditions this week!
Kianna isn’t here but she says there’s an intentions writing workshop 7-9 next week
Bake sale next week
Progressive dinner tomorrow
For finance, we lost $600, so we are going to figure out how to deal with that soon!
If you need reimbursements, let me know soon.
Soon we need to discuss WW planner elections/choice, just letting you know.
Anyway, thanks for coming, bye!