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September 21, 2022 - Fall General Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Gillian IrwinGillian Irwin

September 21, 2022, 6-8pm

Attendance is not kept for General Meetings

Quorum (59) was met at 6:26 pm



· SASSEx, Committees and Arts and Science initiatives were introduced

· Voted on amendments

· First and fifth year rep nominations happened


Tinson Chen: Welcome to first SASS General Meeting of the school year! Intro to what SASS is! You’re all members! Yay‼ Gist of SASS - unity and fellowship and events and FUN. The agenda for today - voting on amendments and nominating first and fifth year level representatives. SASSEx organizes events through the school year.

Video intro [round of applause]

Introductions to SASS roles!

Tinson: I organise things – sometimes. Support the whole SASS Executive team.

Maya: I take care of functions related things; organize milk and cookies informational events.

Griffin: I master the coin and liase with the MSU VP Finance and McMaster Financial services.

Gillian: I take minutes! And take care of socials (Instagram, YouTube, etc.)

Sadie and James: We know how to party! We organise events like Kaffeehaus and the Halloween party.

Luna: I’m one of the level 2 reps, we coordinate with SASSEx and our year of the program

Level Three Reps: not present

Tinson: Level Three Reps do what the level two reps do, but for Level IIIs.

Jessie: Myself and my other half, Phoebe, take care of fourth year events, remind people about thesis and graduation related things.

Rachel and Caroline: We organise formal but also semi formal which is formal but less formal, tentatively scheduled mid/late November, pending venue approval!

Tess and Charlotte: Our job is done but if you’re interested in running welcome week next year – reach out! Also if there’s any leftover unresolved issues from Welcome Week then please talk to us.

SRA Rep: Open SASS position - elected in October.

Priya: I observe the SRA Rep that’s not here yet and relay information from the SRA back to SASS.

Flynn and Ally: We’re here to connect the greater Hamilton community and SASS Community – this year there’ll be some baskets, drop-a-spots, progressive dinner – which hasn’t happened for a number of years but will be a great event!

Oyin: Agoras are run by the JPA and SPA, this year the program advisor team are planning some new initiatives including Level I and II bonding.

David: We communicate student feedback on program – program administration is really receptive to student feedback this year.

Anthony: I’m in charge of athletics and intramurals! There’s an upcoming Spikeball tournament!

Natalie: I’m undergrad council rep, it’s an administrative thing, I just go to SASS meetings and sit there!

Senate Observer: [Hanna couldn’t be with us]

Junior/Senior Web Admin: vacant position for now.

Ella: Musical auditions are happening soon – check socials and join us!


1. 2.9, 3.3: By order of the executive on September 7, the domain was purchased to host SASSWeb as an alternative to www.sassweb2020.wixsite/temp, as and were no longer available.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

2. 5.3, 5.4: This change would largely formalize the notion of ‘partscis’ and allow students who have contributed significantly to SASS initiatives such as the musical to be recognized. They remain, however, unable to hold any executive position on SASS and will not be allowed to vote in SASS elections.

Flynn O’Dacre: Is there an application process?

Tinson Chen: SASS members can nominate, and then it would be put to a vote.

Rachel Mery: How about membership fees? For formal ArtSci and non-ArtSci

David Kanter: Has anyone been honorary SASS member in the last ten years?

Tinson Chen: Not in my time in Arts and Science.

Rachel Mery: We could say yes - pending formal amendments?

David Kanter: What is the benefit?

Ella Brown: What was the wording? I think former is a sufficient, should be open to those who have left the program

Phoebe Newton: PartScis already come to events, not sure necessary to amend.

Maya Verma: Financial concern is what I’m worried about. Dicey whether they would have ArtSci or non-ArtSci pricing for events

David Mason: Did someone say something about Formal Tickets?

Rachel Mery: Yeah, that’s the main concern, we have limited funding as a program, and we don’t want resources to be diverted to non-Arts & Science students.

Tinson Chen: Okay, let’s put it to a vote – a vote of yes is a vote in favour of what is on the screen now.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion denied

Further considerations at next General Meeting

3. 7.1.4, 11.8.1, 11.11.2: ‘First’ semester is to be replaced with ‘Fall’ semester. ‘Second’ and ‘Spring’ semester are to be replaced with ‘Winter’ semester.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

4. 9.4, 10.2 , 11.1, 11.2.4, 11.4: Changes for consistency. All instances of ‘Secretary’ are to be replaced with ‘Communications Director’. All instances of ‘Treasurer” are to be replaced or epitheted with “Master of Coin”.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

5. 11.1, 11.18, 11.19: The ‘Junior Musical Producer’ is to be replaced with the ‘Production Coordinator’

Ella Brown: Basically, last year’s executive team decided to get rid of junior producer position and added some coordinator positions. Production Coordinator is an assisting role and can stand-in for Senior Musical Producer.

Tinson Chen: We could just axe Junior Coordinator and leave it to directive of ArtSci Musical to appoint someone to that role internally.

[Established to remove]

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

6. 11.3.3, 11.6.2, 11.7.4, 11.11.3: Parts of the roles listed on the Executive Page of SASSWeb are to be formalized constitutionally.

Maya Erikson: It says SPA to SPA is that correct?

David Kanter: Yeah honestly, I’ll just consult with myself.

[Established that it is meant to be SPA organizes one Agora per semester with JPA]

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

7. Maya Verma: Proposed amendment – Sib matching is formally added to JPA role in coordination with VP Functions as they know second years best.

Tinson Chen: It’s already in the constitution, yes!

[no need for vote]

8. 11.4.9: Addition to ease SASS’ fiscal transition. The account is to transfer signing officers before the end of the semester.

Griffin Kinzie: Every year we have to change over who has access to CIBC, but it would be easier to do in May rather than track down former Master of Coin in September of the next school year. Also, currently we need two signing officers for approval but in a program this small it would be simpler to have just one – and then we can do e-transfers!

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

[Side note:

Ella Brown: Is there a caveat for when SASS President for next academic year is not elected in the Winter semester SASS elections?

David Kanter: Yes, VP Functions is acting president in that case]

9. 11.8: Formalization of the optional addition of a second Formal Convenor

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

10. 11.9: Formalization of the addition of a second Welcome Week Planner.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

11. 11.10: Renumbered the SRA Observer section so different articles do not share an article number.

David Kanter: But wrong numbers add personality‼

[Much discourse about keeping the illogical numbering for gags.]

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

12. 11.17, 11.18: Removal of the Junior Website Admin, as the complexity of SASSWeb has diminished since the creation of the role. Additional responsibility of creating physical backups (rip Google Drive).

David Kanter: I don’t totally understand physical backups. We could keep in a cloud format.

Tinson Chen: Old SASSWeb exists now taking a lot of space, it would be better not to lose it.

Sydney Wisener: Couldn’t we keep better backups through the Program administration?

Maya Erikson: I think this is a good idea – we are over-reliant on the cloud. We almost lost the oath in the transfer. Solid investment.

Tinson Chen: Yeah, a lot is kept on student accounts which we lose after those students graduate.

Sydney Wisener: Could we just make more shareable move off student accounts?

Tinson Chen: Physical backup exists as a last resort.

Maya Erikson: As much as it would be nice to ask Admin to do it, I don’t know that they will do that.

Maya Verma: Logistical question – One drive or multiple? Would this be an annual update or multiple times a year?

Tinson Chen: Backing up the hard drive at least once a year. In terms of how many drives that will be determined later.

Phoebe Newton: Where will physical be stored?

Tinson Chen: In SASS Cabinet in LRW3038! Shelley has the key for anyone on SASS that needs access!

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

13. 13: Constitution reviewed AT LEAST once a year. Small wording change.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

14. 11.20 Incorporating the Melange as an appointed non-voting member of SASS

Phoebe Newton: Great idea. What about Alethia?

Tinson Chen: Yes, we are in talks with Alethia we’ll take it up at the next general meeting.

Motion to amend the constitution

Motion approved

David Kanter: What is relationship of Alethia and Melange to SASS?

[Answer: Funding!]

First Year Rep Nominations

Evan Tyler

Claire Crawford

Jonah Hall

Ela Jamal

Sunil Wijeysundera

Nadia Hamada

Graeme Lavrence

Abeer Farooqi

Jack Gilles

Jack Mah

Ishmeet Johal

Indigo Kim

Adrianna Bozzo

Omaimah Abbasi

Hannah Zehnder

Kai Yang

Laz De Francesca

Taranvir Mann

Arjun Rao

Ben Curtis-Dyck

Sarah Greene

Tyler Goldfarb

Fifth Year Rep Nominations

Rachel Mery

Corbin McBride

Caroline Bredin

Emily O’Halloran


1. Functions Committee

a. Sib program stuff

b. Baking cookies‼

c. Informative meetings

d. If you like cookies this is for you!

2. Media Committee

a. Photos

b. Videos

c. Graphic design

d. Join me!

3. Social Committee

a. Run things like Halloween dance, Kaffehaus

4. Formal Committee

a. Have a say in formal

b. Setup and takedown!

5. Community Committee

a. Lots of fun things happening

b. Ideas: Hamilton farmers market, Library crossovers, café drop-a-spots, winter drop-a-spot, progressive dinner

c. Hang out with us – have fun

6. Program Advisory Committee

a. Basically – school

b. Couple of people from each year – help plan events, provide feedback on program or curriculum

c. Meeting 1-3 times a semester, low commitment required

[Applause for committees]

Promotion of things!

1. ArtSci Art Show

a. Happens second semester, ArtSci curated art displayed proudly – maybe refreshments and or live performances

b. Fill two executive positions – fundraising coordinator, graphic designer for promotion

2. ArtSci Musical

a. It’s an amazing fun unforgettable experience

b. If you can’t handle the suspense of waiting until March to see what this year’s musical is all about, you’ll be in the know!

c. Band auditions asynchronous – we need bass players and all other musically-inclined individuals

3. The Melange

a. ArtSci student-run magazine published last Friday every month

b. Hiring journalist and illustrators – work with a fantastic team of editors

c. Even if you can’t commit to every month please submit

d. Can DM Melange for more info

4. Alethia

a. Official ArtSci student-run journal

b. Work that you’ve done for ArtSci courses is peer-reviewed and submitted – can put it on your resume‼

[Meeting ends, pizza is served – thanks Sadie and James!]


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