September 29, 2022, 7:00 pm-8:00pm
BSB B139
Present: Ella Brown, Sadie MacDonald, Anthony Cherubini, David Kanter Eivin, Oyin Aderibigbe, Ian McMillan, Luna Quail, James Esemu-Ezewu, Sydney Wisener, Phoebe Newton, Jessie Chan, Gillian Irwin, Flynn O’Dacre, Ally Kortes-Miller, Priya John, Molly Griesbach, Olive Thomas
Regrets: Natalie Chu, Griffin Kinzie, Charlotte Johnston, Tess Vosper, Sanjana Shah, Rachel Mery, Caroline Bredin, Alex Harris, Hanna Rao, Maya Verma
Donuts were consumed‼
We discussed donating to the OER as well as MSU student grant applications and other presidents meeting updates
House Olympics update: first- and second-year event; third year event as well
Kaffeehaus and Hallowe’en party planning updates
Communittee is starting to meet!
Planning for the Art Show
Tinson: Today should be quick! Rep elections going on – 5 first year nominations and 1 fifth year. This year has been a weird process for elections. I attended the presidents’ meeting with all the other faculty – couple things to bring from that. First is the prospect of taking donations for OER – that would go towards non-textbook teaching strategies. I don’t know if SASS has contributed to it in the past. Other faculties are donating larger amounts of money, but we don’t want to spend our entire surplus on that – $3000 was an amount floated.
Oyin: Will ArtSci students have access to the resources/will it be applicable to ArtSci?
Tinson: The idea is that if we give $1000 then at least $1000 in the pool goes back to ArtSci courses, but I’m not clear on all of the specifics. Also from that meeting, we have the potential to put together MSU student grant applications. We, as SASS could do something like a student life enhancement project (like updated/expanded student space)? Projects usually granted in realm of $1000 if we want to brainstorm a SASS Pitch.
David: Is an event a project?
Tinson: The list that they provided had examples such as better equipment, office space, organizations, and clubs.
David: We could definitely utilize that kind of opportunity, maybe get some more money for the musical, even.
Tinson: Also brought up at the presidents meeting – having non-ArtSci students in their exec positions.
An update from the General Meeting – potentially having non-ArtScis on SASS – we could impose the same levy in ArtSci student tuition from them when they join, if that’s sensible?
David: Good from a funding perspective
Sadie: Would people care enough about membership to pay that fee?
Oyin: What would the review process look like for that – time of year, etc.?
Tinson: That’s not something that’s been fleshed out quite yet. One last thing brought up at the presidents’ meeting; complaints were that event waivers are not up to date, so just keep that in mind as you all organize events that might have risk/alcohol waivers.
Updates from the team.
Ian: The main thing for the ArtSci Olympics that we’re hammering out is a date. If Kaffeehaus is going to be October 17th we were thinking the Friday of that week? Either that Thursday or Friday, so people participating are hopefully not completely freezing! We can control the numbers pitch as a Level I and II event. And we’ve got EOHSS approved‼
Sydney: Alex and I want to do third year Olympics - fourth year students welcome to join. We’ll submit our forms this week maybe for approval.
[Priya might run for SRA Representative rather than Observer]
Oyin: David and I have launched our committee! We haven’t arranged one-time meeting right now, holding off on JPA/SPA events until after ArtSci program’s cyclical review so that’s TBD. Most likely we will meet in the first semester though.
Sadie: Kaffeehaus getting figured out, Bean Bar has been emailed. The goal that people could buy dessert and drinks there. In terms of Halloween party - we’ve been in contact with Sizzle (club) about renting the space for a night. There would be a $1500 fee and we would have to guarantee 100 people would be there. The event would have to happen on a Monday or Tuesday, so biggest concern right now is numbers; whether we could get that many people out. We’d probably need people to sign up in advance and we’d potentially charge a small cover fee or $8-10. The tentative date is October 25th.
[Discussion about SPT midterm scheduled the next day]
Sydney: With proper planning and surveying I think we could get 100 people for sure.
James: Other idea just rent out a space but not a club.
Sadie: The expense wouldn’t be that much less than club and much more work. The biggest thing is getting 100 people. Thirty-first ticket free as a marketing thing?
Tinson: Envenue might have a contact for there, could also look into Spice Factory
[Discussion of alumni at Kaffeehaus – rejected because of space limitations.]
Sadie: Should we have people sign up for Koffeehaus?
Tinson: Could do it like the airlines and overbook. The people on the cusp could be notified those spots might fill up. Or a waitlist?
Sadie: That could be really hectic – we’d have to have someone posted at the door.
[Idea floated of an ArtSci bouncer – Anthony??]
Flynn and Ally: We’ve got our first Communittee walk coming up and then we’ll start planning events. Progressive dinner maybe at the end of November?
Anthony: October 16th for Spikeball tournament. Not a conflict but consider that it’s the last Sunday of reading week starting at like 5pm.
Tinson: Not all events have to be available to absolutely everything.
Anthony: Could I get level reps to send out promotion?
Phoebe and Jessie: Fourth year game night, happening - possibly on October 20th. We just don’t want to step on the toes of the Halloween dance.
Phoebe: OH! ANOTHER THING! Someone has posted artsci merch – a non-artsci - we just wanted to bring that to people’s attention. Arguably infringing on intellect property rights
Ian: A red bubble type thing?
Tinson: Very obviously a scam thing – let’s hope people can use our critical thinking skills.
Molly and Olive: For the Art Show, we were thinking about having it in February a week or two before Reading Week. We’ve been looking at having it at the McMaster Museum of Art!
Tinson: The only thing that might conflict is the NWWF. However, you could stake a claim early. Shouldn’t interfere with other big events!
Sadie: We haven’t thought as far in advance as a second semester Kauffeehaus – been focusing one semester at a time.
Tinson: Has everyone seen the excel calendar?
[Yup! Events are going up on the board!]
[More feedback on Art Show]
Olive: Snacks or drinks? How much do you think it matters whether snacks and drinks can be served, will it impact numbers or general enjoyment of the event?
[Although snacks and drinks were available for purchase at last Art Show, not many individuals seemed to partake]
Molly: Any venue suggestions?
Luna: Indoor space at RBG? Might be too complicated by bus, though.
[Other possibilities: AGH and Spice Factory.]
Tinson: If we wanted to keep it closer to campus could inquire about CIBC Hall, Faculty club or convocation hall on campus.
Molly: One other question? SASS budget for the Art Show? We talked to Marquis about it, and she directed us to you.
Tinson: That’s a Griffin question but think something about $300 was given or offered for last year’s show.
[Discussed pros and cons of potential Art Show spaces a little more. Fundraisers will also be happening for the Art Show!]
Tinson: I caved and brought back Discord – the younger years are using it. Could be good for games night / study calls if Level Reps want to utilize it in that sort of way. If you can encourage its use – we can use it to talk to all the years at once. I want to be able to get information out to people expediently! Also, if anyone needs Jackpot credentials for an event please see me!
[End of meeting]