Here: Sarah(1), Sanjana, Flynn, Ally, Victoria, Surbhi, Josh, Ishmeet, Ian, Luna, Sarah (2), Arthy, Anna, Nimra, Athena, Oyin, Griffin, Amarah, Tess
Not here: Ella
For general meeting:
Send out feedback forms, consolidating into one form
Proposing getting rid of president voting power
Proposed date: next wednesday, 6-8pm
Program wide referendum for fee raises. Still need to vote on it
Need to do a program wide vote
Promote committees at the general meeting!
Functions+social+formal already have committees
Mega committee??
Disucission about social vs functions committee. Should they be melded?
Need to talk w/ James
Starting a promotions committee
Hold the general meeting outside?
Need to find the transition reports!
Sib BBQ:
Proposed deadline: next weekend
Discussion: weekend or weekday
Theme: REVENGE OF THE ANIMALS. Must be in the shape of a human form
Needs to be submitted to EOHSS
Marquis Meetings:
Sanajana is Alethia coordinator!
Future events
Sarah: Host a charity run
Propose switching the euchre tournament to poker
Griffin: talk to ME ASAP FOR BUDGETING
Oyin: Hosting visions - sit in a room and discussing visions for the artsci program (i.e. equity/inclusion report)
Surbhi: Progressive dinner in october, post reading week
Spaghetti dinner(?)
Farmer’s market: got a good turnout of shy first years
Capstone night? (Considered part of milk and cookies) Will need to organize
HH 102 is booked every tuesday for the rest of the year… use it as you please…
Summary: september is sib bbq, and general meeting