Level 4 Rep Updates
Mario Kart Tournament on March 19th
Merch Update!!!
Tour Looking Sweater!! 3 different colour options
Budget for merch: talk to Ahastan
Stickers, earrings, key chains, etc. → Tasmiya’s and Safiya’s ideas!
Either we can select a few other designs that people can choose from
What if we sell the stickers as a pack?
What if we have small items by demand? Depends on pre-order and budget?
Graduate gift ideas?? Discuss with 4th years:)
Level 4 and 3
March 22nd, Planetarium Event Show (4th and 3rd years)
11 seats per year
Chill event on a Saturday!!
Another self-care package very very soon
Level 2 Events
De-stress and paint night; painting mugs - 17th or 20th
Cocoa and cram with first years; title to change
Level 1 Events
Movies + Arts and crafts night
Buy some art supplies
March 22nd on a Saturday
Athletics and Recreation
Dodgeball event: 6-9 March 29th
Make teams based on years; depends on turnout
Perhaps an option to sign up with teams
Might be better to make it random to create some upper and lower year bonding
We now have 4 SASS emails! Information will be out soon, stay tuned
Go vote for Senate → Arthy; find another post and repost, say that Artscis can vote for all
Had a meeting with WGEN about the Misgendering and Deadnaming Project
Have made a form about asking people about their experiences being deadnamed and/or misgendered
Has been posted on ArtSci SRA, PCC, and WGEN Instagrams
ArtShow (Communittee Chairs)
Timeline was unclear
Budget? $800
Message will be sent today to increase interest, but unsure about booking the ArtShow
Possibly the last week of March (24-28th) or first week of April
Venue ideas: BeanBar, the Grind, Bridges
Bridges might take a while to get back to you, but have their calendar availability on the website
Contact Surbhi and Anna about events
Do we have funds to print the magazine editions? Depends on price! Get back to Ahastan after finding details
Waiting on EOHSS for ticket
$45 tickets, and 50$ for non-artsci
Bounce or not? Might be complicated with alcohol waiver, food preferences
Glassware design → mason jars! With the SASSQuatch or with the Arts and Science flowers/or the classic SASSQuatch logo
Location: Carmens!!
Formal speeches: Formal Convenors, President, New President, Marquis
VP Social
March 25th at Bridges for Kauffeehause! Waiting on email to continue process (7-9:30 PM)
VP Functions
End of year event! SIB Bonfire!! Perhaps at night time
April 11th or 12th?
When are the first-year course exams?
SPT final on the 16th, and then there is a space between until the next exam
First years: Last exams; Calc. is the 21st, Argumentation on the 23rd; Inquiry papers due during the first week of April
Maybe March or during exam season?
Ideas are still working – potluck vibes, marshmallow roasting
SIB rematching is also happening
Maybe people might not show up because of exams
LM: I like the idea of people coming together during exam season.
EM: SPT final on the 16th, and then there is a space between until next exam
Calendar of all the events!!
Master of Coins
January Receipts
Increasing fee by 50 cents for the class of 2027 to 2028
Good to switch bank statements from paper to electronic
FirstOntario switch is happening; once SASS email is figured out, Master of coin money stuff will be user
Budget information will be sent out
NEXT WEEK! Tech week and show
Bake sale next week on Wednesday, 8:30 to 12:30 in MUSC
We have a joint event with Healthsci and Macsci musical this Friday from 6 to 9
Next meeting is the General Meeting March 18th, around 4:30 PM
Pizza will be ordered by VP Social
Elections will start on the 24th! New people by formal
Equity Officer as a position talked about during the SASS General meeting → depending on the meeting next
We need quorum in order to have the position for next year, email the updates as they come
If you need posters, let me (Arthy) know in advance! Only EOHSS approved please and thank you :)))
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