General Notes
Leah → emails to ask for: SASS General, SASS president, ASM Musical
Hopefully get a response back by the end of the week
Master of Coin Updates; Ahastan
Basically, for the general meeting, have to propose a budget increase; increase the general fee or keep it the same
No information on when or how much; reached out to MSU finance
Crunching numbers right now on how much the budget will be for this year, and how much we will get in September
If they are the same, then we will not change, but if there is a discrepancy, we will propose a slight increase in SASS fee
Outstanding receipts, send to Ahastan ASAP to get reimbursements
Event Updates
Formal Updates
Good! Looking for a DJ
March 31st is the date
Close to EOHSS approval, waiting for insurance from security company
Then can send information
Bussing information coming up soon
VP Social
Trivia on Thursday
Prizes are being figured out
Kauffeehaus dates
First week of March, Tues., Wednesday, Thursday Night
Might be Tues. 4th, Bridges Cafe
Bake Sale on the 13th, MUSC approval?
Going to go MUSC office to figure it over
Questions: stickers? If we make stickers, we can advertise them to get people to come to office hours
How to get people to come to Office Hours? Packaged snacks, pizza, stickers
Advertising what you can do as students as Mac students
Similar to the student life enhancement fund → students come up with a proposal for changes
Level 2
Cocoa and Cram with First Years → after formal, early April
Level 4
Board games on Tuesday
Not booked yet → get EOHSS approved for SRA room booking
Merch form sent out
Feedback says sweaters and small things
T-shirt elephant
Designs due end of Reading Week
Free sweater for designer
Cheap small things
Underground MUSC, HPL
Mario Kart Tournament
First week back from reading week, Wednesday/Friday
Graduating gift; collaborate with fourth-years
Level 3
Planetarium Visit (3rd + 4th)
After reading week, and will take 35 people; EOHSS needed
Gearing up for Tech Week
The entire musical will be called on March 11, 12, 13
14th evening show and 15th matinee or evening show
Ticket sales information will be out ASAP
Table Number 0
VP Functions
Milk and Cookies tomorrow, how to build a resume
From SCC, from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Last week, was volunteering, work, standardized testing
Super secret Sib finale coming up… coming soon
Meeting notes for the Milk and Cookies
Comprehensive note-taker might be beneficial for those who couldn’t make it
Drop-a-spot; Farmers Market after reading week
Room booking has been difficult because you need a McMaster email; we don’t have that YET. Leah will ask, but for now, ask SRA to book rooms
Feedback Form
Giving people the place to express themselves anonymously to talk about during the general meeting
Questions: how can we address the notes given by students?
Even if we might not be able to get that thing done, we want to make sure they are seen
QR Code can go to the meeting notes in general
Different organizations to make it easier for people to read
Ishmeet/Sam, would you be able to post in the new issue of the Melange
How do we communicate these issues?
Level Reps can also gain insight into what is going on in their years
Closeness might be an issue
EDI Elected subcommittee?
Check up with other programs to see what they are doing and how they have set things up
Not tokenistic – committee might be the way to go
SRA Observer and SRA to sit on it
Seems like a lot of people, but are we okay with that?
Anonymous middle? → a random student where you can reach out to people if you have any issues
Might be hard because ArtSci is small
Planning team: Kiran, Aaron, Josh, Ahastan, Lauren, Sarah S
General Meeting
Tuesday, 18th March evening