New Year, New Meeting!!
Exec Debrief
VP Social
In two weeks,
Heartsci x Nursing Coffeehouse
Jan. 27, 2025; 7-10 PM
5 ArtSci execs will be needed to help
Trivia Night with iSci
No date yet; possibly the first week of February
Chill event - 4th years are also interested in trivia! Woot woot!
ArtSci Coffeehouse some time after reading week
VP Functions
Milk and Cookies: Summer Opportunities
Figuring out panellists, talking to Marquis
January last week or February first week → might be rescheduled
The process is only at the beginning stages
Formal Convenors
March 31st for Formal;
No immediate problems with dates; Jack and Julia have already talked to Marquis
LiUna → waiting for confirmation
If you’d like to volunteer, let convenors know
Arthy; re-email committee members to help with the coordination and to help with set up
Thoughts on glassware? Example; shot glasses, wine glasses, etc.
Please let us know if there are any things to consider with March 31st
To gage people’s interest, a form will be sent out to get interests
Next Agora
Art and Revolution?
Hartley, professors from before, Wilson, Cyrus-Wair
Will try to be open about the process to help with planning
The divestment project will be worked on again very soon
MSU VP Finance will be talked to soon
Projects this year; improving the ArtSci office
And perhaps making stickers
Rameesha made a sticker mock-up → SRA follow-up with Rameesha!
Deadnaming project → will reach out again; got ghosted
Ath and Rec
Booking for gym Jan. 25th
Will talk to level reps about dodgeball
Also, have the date March 29th
Have these dates to chill and play games, but will be nice to have at least one planned day
What are some games we can play? What gym equipment is available?
Volleyball and basketball? Badminton?
Squidgame inspired games/challenges? Could be fun!
Will update in a couple of days
Level 4 Reps
A list of activities was sent out to the fourth-year chat → most people chose to do video game/board game night
Collaboration with Recreation → Poker, Uno, Bean Game
Avery’s already made the graphic but we just need the date, time, and the room
Level Collaboration?
The winner should get a special SASS shoutout at formal
People can make a song on Garage Band and the best song can be played at formal (Leah walks into it?)
The sillier the better
Merch update
Going to send a form out tomorrow to get input; options are available, which do you like the best?
People submit their artwork and we can vote on which we like the most; numbers will be kept private, but input could be nice
WW team also has a lot of sticker and poster ideas → can look into
Can print stickers are HPL
Level 3 Reps
Planetarium event; will contact for price and availability
A poll will be sent if people are even interested in int
Level 2 Reps
Valentine’s Day
Rose-o-grams?; distribute the flowers during the morning classes
ArtSci Speed “Dating”/ Friending
Could be a year of collaboration → If first years could talk to upper years that would be great
Statement Update
Any conversations or follow-ups?
It was well-received → recommended to have a meeting with SASS to voice concerns and how they see SASS moving forward
Having a final vote on that during the Winter General Meeting
Maybe pushback because they are not too sure about what going on during the meeting → Arthy will make a LinkTree
Alternative to TownHall meeting → Possibly an anonymous form to ask people about any concerns they have so we can meet and talk about it during a meeting
Have the proposed constitution draft ready and sent out so we can get input and people are prepared to talk about it during the General Meeting
Blank suggestions and multiple questions they can answer
Questions to include?; Sarah, Ahastan, Lauren, and Arthy to work on the form
Is the form very general? Or is it to be very specific?
Envisioned on how SASS can stand for justice
But probably would have a section where people can comment general concerns