Event Updates
Semester 1
Agora (info from Sam who will not be at the meeting tonight): Anti-Intellectualism
Officially Tuesday, Nov 26th, 6:30-8:30
Booked room in T13
Budget for snacks $80 please 🥹
Panelists: Dr. Clark, Manuel, Dr. El-Sherif (maybe will add more)
We will advertise the event asap
VP Functions
Milk and Cookies, 11:30 to 1:30 this Wednesday
No presentation this time, please come!
Budget request: Ahastan will give money as required
Athletics and Recreation
Dodgeball did NOT happen, but...
Sports night went well → a lot of first and second years, basketball was played
Formal Convenors
The form is open; a lot of people so far
In-person tickets were sold today and will be sold again on Thursday
If anyone wants to be a sober volunteer, please let Juliack know
Kiran, Arthy, Ishmeet
Also, looking for people for transportation
2 people from campus to the venue
2 people from the venue to campus
If anyone wants to help set up, let Juliack know!
Level 1 Events & Level 2 Events
Cocoa and Cram
No kettles → a different room; can request on EOHSS
Aiming for the second Monday of December
The event will be advertised as socialize and de-stress
Level 1
Secret Santa coming up
Prank day is being planned
Cards for TAs and Profs
Level 3 Events
An event to make self-care kits
Maybe in 3038? Or it could be a random table in the lobby
Level 4 Events
Waiting for approval Level 4 Thesis Night (Nov. 28th)
Drop-in between 6:30 to 8:30 PM; after ArtSci social
McMaster Apartheid Divest Request: See here.
In 1986, McMaster University students founded the Anti-Apartheid Committee to demand that McMaster University fully divest from South Africa’s regime of apartheid. Much to the dismay of the Board of Governors, the Anti-Apartheid Committee on campus flourished as students became more aware of McMaster’s investments in the apartheid state. Almost 40 years later, our organization, McMaster Apartheid Divest, serves to follow in the historical footsteps of the Anti-Apartheid Committee and to unite McMaster in promoting the pursuit of justice and collective liberation worldwide.
Note: we will not be the first student society to sign
Voting was done anonymously through Microsoft Forms – passed unanimously
Leah will sign our names on the form
Instagram post will be posted ASAP
Divestment & Banking
Report back from meeting with FirstOntario
Last week, Rushan, Emily, Leah and Ahastan went to talk with talk to a rep from FirstOntario
went super well; brought up concerns that VP Finance had
Asked a couple of things from us, but Ahastan will provide that
Will continue to meet with them; Rushan and Emily will set up a meeting with VP Finance, and the VP Finance and the Credit Union
4 people signed up: 3 for the committee of the VPs, 1 for Communnittee Committee
Arthy will email them if they would be interested in a committee merge ASAP
Want to make IG reels for promotional content?
Yes! Arthy will contact you!
Comment, like, and share content when you can, PLEASE!