Election Updates
Ran into an issue with the community chair positions, but Leah was able to figure things out
Community chair candidates had to rework their campaigns – all is good now
Elections are going to finish on Friday, which means first-years do not get to emcee Kaffeehaus
Fourth-years (specifically Josh and someone else) emcee this time, and then tag team with first-years next Kaffeehaus
2 candidate teams for community chairs, and a couple of first-year candidates
Event Updates
Semester 1
Need people to help set up for tables and chairs around 6/6:30
At capacity for the venue! The form is now closed!
If anyone reaches out about coming to the event, tell them sorry!
Still looking for people to perform! Encourage your friends to perform:)
Sofie and Madelyn will also help emcee if needed be
Milk and Cookies
October 25th!
You can attend and still get milk and cookies even if you are not in first year
Tell first years to come! TAs, please!
October 30th! 9 to 11:30 at andthenyou
We have the venue until 12:00 am
E-transfers are still going to Griffin, but money questions go to Ahastan
5 sober volunteers, looking for 3 more people
Does not have to be a SASS member
2 groups going to the event to take first-years (from campus) (~8:45 and 9:15)
2 groups coming back to campus to take first-years home
Around 8 people in total (preferred if they are also sober, or sober enough)
Every 20 people require at least 1 sober person
Buy drinks from the venue because we need to make the drink sale that we are paying them
If you have any professors in mind, contact JPA and SPA
Waiting on replies
Looking good!
Monday, October 18 from 5:45 to 8 PM or another time depending on professors’ availability
2nd Year-Level Events
Escape Room
May need to submit EOHSS form; may need to delay event
Athletics and Recreation
Level reps have wanted to do a dodgeball event, and Jonah has worked HARD to get this (mean DBAC people)
Has gone through to EOHSS
Yes to dodgeball!
Met with Marquis
26th for Collective Arts or 22 for Bridgeworks
Figuring out the pros and cons of both locations
Bridgeworks; past semi-venue, but might be nice to explore something new!
Looking at either before February 28th or after the 29th of March
Need to figure out scheduling, venue
Script, cast, venue, and dates are done!
Monday: 6:30 to 9 PM acting and vocal
Thursday: 5:45 to 8 PM dance
Band: Wednesday 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Marquis has not got the script yet, but script is done
Read through tomorrow, rehearsal starting Thursday
SASS meetings overlap, but it's okay! Just fill out the absence form, and let them know that you are missing 30 minutes of a rehearsal every other week
Rehearsal on Thursday, on Halloween?
Committee of the VPs
The post and Google Form will be posted when the community chair has been elected
Divestment and Banking
General Conversation
Motion for SASS to divest from the “Big 5” Canadian Banks
If this is a goal that we are interested in, we can begin this year and have it continue next year
Concern: Could be something that we pass, and not actually follow through with because of frequent switches of power
Can draft a motion and get it through to Arts and Science SRA, and Rushan can bring it up to the caucus for collaboration and support
Do we want to get other student groups involved? Possible yes.
Clarification: Does SASS have its own bank account? Yes, we do. But all the money we get is from the MSU.
Will need to figure out how to do this operationally; through negotiations with MSU (Ahastan, Leah, Rushan, and Emily)
Will this be added to the Constitution? Maybe. SASS has no by-laws
If in the Constitution, may be more permanent and “official”
Will not be added to the Constitution until all details are figured out, and if it works out well for us this year
Need to have a meeting with MSU about logistics
Committee of a few people; Ahastan, Leah, and SRA people, Arthy, Avery
Emily – SRA people reached out to MSU to talked to VP Finance
VP Finance – office hours this Wednesday 3:30 to 4:30
Avery, Ahastan, and Rushan (maybe Emily) can make it. A good way to figure out logistics, and then text details to group chat!
How can we do this:
Have a part of the constitution with the unfilled projects and purposes and may be have this a part of it
Amending formula; ⅔ of people can vote on if they would like this change (next General Meeting)
For now, it will be our year's goal
Will bring it up as a permanent year goal next Gen. Meeting
Possible Milk and Cookies/Visions events to discuss the logistics
Or possibly another event ran by VP Functions
OR SRA office hour x SASS collaboration to inform (similar to SRA Info Night)