General/Other Info
Merch! 4th years will be in charge
2nd years actually want more and smaller pieces of merch (Elena and Rameesha sent a form out!)
Name, pronouns, position, what McMaster building would you be
Interesting answers
General Budgeting Stuff
For events, there will be a budget out. Ahastan will talk to you individually. There are a lot of (extra) resources for level reps (and others) – be ambitious with your projects! The breakdown for budgeting will be available shortly.
GM Amendments
General Meeting: Monday September 23rd, 2024 at 6 PM
There will be Pizza!
And it will go for an hour-ish
Need to hire some positions: Communittee Chairs, Web Admin, Level Reps, etc.
At least a few Level Reps should be there to talk about their roles. Past Communittee Chairs will be there to talk about their positions!
New Amendments?
Talk to Griffin about a fee increase (lol, use those resources!)
Level Rep Idea Workshop
Third-Year Idea: Planetarium
Inter-year game of volleyball!! (Rameesha and Elena)
Renting DBAC rooms may be easy but equipment may be difficult
Inter-year trivia game (Rameesha and Elena)
Fourth-Year Idea: Thesis Writing Workshop
Fourth-Year Idea: Bowling/Laser Tag (can figure out financial aid to alleviate cost)
Fourth-Year Idea: Paint Night or something similar to allow fourth years who were on exchange to mingle with one another again
Sticker Assassin (inter-year)
Can possibly share locations/schedules, set limits and boundaries (ex. LR off limits)
Escape Room (first years)
Two rooms running at the same time to see who can win first
Werewolf – kind of like Mafia with more rules
Mario Kart Tournament
ArtSci x Melange x Jen
Podcast? Make sure it is appropriate if working with Jen
Communications Committee can do this?
Fake Casino Night
Soccer Game
Profs, alum, and students play soccer on September 26th
Event Planning (K-house, Halloween, Milk & Cookies, Semi)
SRA Event
Wednesday night, SRA information night! BSB 119 5:45 - 6:45 PM
Instead of Office Hours, we are going to have an information night
Even if you know a lot about SRA, come chat, eat Pizza, get merch!
If you want Pizza, register by tonight!
Reached out to Tess and Amarah and will have an informal meeting with them
Working on first steps, but would like to be collaborative with student body
Ask questions about theme, music, etc.
DJ Money-Ka or DJ Migz or DJ Olly?
Waiting for their meeting with Tess and Amarah
Want to keep the same bussing system and similar venue
Going pretty good - the exec meeting coming up
Script is AWESOME
Talking to Ahastan and trying to close accounts from last year
Planning on sending an audition package this Friday
Tuesday, Sept 17 → Gen Meeting
The following week → Auditions! (after Mac Dance auditions)
Will send a program-wide email once BM approves
Want the cast set and ready before Reading week
Currently working on booking the Robby
Cameo from fundraising is a whole separate thing!
The only empty position is fundraising coordinator!
VP Social
Kauffeehaus! Can start planning right away - no need to wait for budgeting
Possibly the week after reading week but may be busy for first-years
Ahastan prioritize VP Soc so they can plan
Bean Bar for Fall Kauffeehaus?
First-year reps (when elected) will emcee
Looking into Andthenyou
October 30th, Wednesday!
Reached out to Sadie, and she gave them tips and tricks
Trivia night
The Phoenix
Possibly TriSci
VP Functions
Sib BBQ (Fall)
This month! Possibly Sept. 21 (Saturday)
Looking for a location to host! (looking for a second-year house!)
Elena says maybe her house (near DoughBox, near Flally’s house)
Milk and Cookies (Housing) and/or Volunteering/Job (Fall)
October 6th week or October 20th week (maybe busy for first years)
Make sure ideas do not collide with WWF
Essay editing for Capstones (Fall)
A possible combination night
Need to be careful with admin
Ask an Upper Year After Hours (maybe)
Resume Workshop (Winter)
Joint Kauffeehaus with Nursing?
Agora: TOPIC: This will be clarified soon
First week of November – need ahold of first-year schedules
First-year sciences hold second midterms during this time
Second last week of November (?)
POK paper due November 13 to keep in mind
Need to nail down a date! But will figure it out soon and will email profs ASAP
If you have professors in mind, tell Sam and Sarah! Doesn’t have to be ArtSci
There is a hidden gem in between exams where people are working on exams but WILL attend the Agora!
Athletics and Rec
Jonah – Fitz Instructor OKAYY
Rent the gym for 2 hours a month and play a bunch of different sports
Avery’s already made a NYT account called the SASSQUATCH and will link it so ppl can compete against the SASSQUATCH for the NYT mini
Casino Nights
Euchre Night
Trying to bring casual events that are not too focused on academics
Possible Excel form for suggestions
Instagram Intros Reminders!